Welcome Mat - posted 18th March 2001

1 Conversation

Hi Everybody

Isn't it great to be back

Well as you may have guessed, there are a few newcommers to h2g2, but some are not really new. If a few people had trouble logging into their old pages, they oppenned new accounts. You may be able to tell by the amount of postings they have done since the re-oppening, but this is not always the case, as some got to know others on the h2g2chat forum and got to posting straight away..

Some newbies have been missed from the last list to be published and this latest list

Page Numbers from 168391 to 168441 so if anyone has the time to check these out I would appreciate it.

Here are the latest and also bear in mind some of the early ones on this list were openned as test pages by Testers.

all the Best

Also there are those who signed up just before the site closed down. They can be found here

 1) Newcomers 1 to 10 (a)
U168442  robind
U168443  ben
U168444  Caro
U168446  gavsky
U168447  Slartibartfast
U168448  Marvin
U168449  nic
U168526  SnowyOwl
U168529  dank spangle
U168532  Bodger
 2) Newcomers 11 to 20 (b)
U168533  Ken
U168560  Mr Bo Peep
U168562  The All-New GVI
U168567  Zzzzzzzz
U168573  MindMelt
U168580  Researcher 168580
U168581  Phlebas
U168582  EtherZev(second visitation)
U168591  Researcher 168591
U168592  Draeven
 3) Newcomers 21 to 30 (c)
U168606  Medic
U168607  gideon
U168610  Professor Mike
U168613  acidbath
U168616  198919
U168622  gelzi the ignorant
U168631  Ravenscross
U168632  Anne of a Thousand Days
U168636  charliemac
U168637  Feisal
 4) Newcomers 31 to 40 (d)
U168645  Gaia
U168649  vante
U168655  BladeRunner
U168660  majumba
U168666  Researcher 168666
U168667  Ardzil
U168669  That Old Gal
U168670  Gravity Welles
U168673  Darkflame
U168685  Researcher 168685
 5) Newcomers 41 to 50 (e)
U168687  Xolin2001
U168691  dont panic 255
U168698  Researcher Elektra
U168701  PressF1
U168702  FABT
U168708  Researcher 168708
U168710  Barney's Bucksaws
U168712  The Unmentionable Marauding Pillowcase Mark Two
U168719  Lycaeon
U168721  sklap_flung
 6) Newcomers 51 to 60 (f)
U168726  anitsirK
U168737  Darth Obi
U168740  Infinite Improbability
U168749  Super-Sci Neal
U168763  Britwannabe
U168764  Researcher 168764
U168770  Anakha
U168771  boptastic
U168774  El Fishslayer
U168782  woodenpole
 7) Newcomers 61 to 70 (g)
U168784  Damson in Distress # 2
U168788  Cat N
U168793  mistersnappy
U168798  Golfer
U168808  sam giles, aka the ginger wasp
U168812  Regalia, keeper of the Sock Full of Rusty Quarters, slayer of chickens
U168814  Der Tsch rmen aka Engl nder (Live from the black forest)
U168817  UncleBill
U168828  Erik
U168829  Researcher 168829
 8) Newcomers 71 to 80 (h)
U168830  Researcher Number Six
U168831  Deus Invisus
U168838  Shrux
U168841  Adam Newbold
U168844  Regular Lurker
U168847  Kansas
U168850  noX
U168851  Stochastic Jack
U168855  MartialStax
U168859  Ootini
 9) Newcomers 81 to 90 (i)
U168868  Elroy the Researcher
U168878  R. Marvin
U168895  Radders
U168902  Shallow Thought
U168913  KingBoyK
U168923  Earthgirl
U168924  Frog
U168934  riaura
U168935  Athon Solo
U168936  jesusarmyfartpants
10) Newcomers 91 to 100 (j)
U168940  Laponia
U168944  I4get
U168947  Researcher 168947
U168954  belty
U168956  Angelus Gothinia
U168958  Kaine
U168960  Researcher Cypher
U168963  Dastardly
U168964  Ford Prefect [168964]
U168965  WeakPun
11) Newcomers 101 to 110 (k)
U168967  Researcher 168967
U168970  Keeper of the seven keys
U168974  Jonah
U168981  Manders (the littlest witch)
U168983  Ford_Prefect
U168985  andybean
U168989  Foxbat
U168992  Researcher 168992
U168994  Polymorph
U168996  Researcher 168996
12) Newcomers 111 to 117 (l)
U168997  Luna
U169000  IDIC
U169001  MostlyAlmighty
U169003  Virgil Reality
U169009  Great Scott
U169011  Apollo
U169035  Willie McSporren VI

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