Important things to take on a tour trough the Cinque Terre

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The Cinque Terre – “The Five Lands” are one of the world’s most beautiful places. The Cinque Terre lie in the Ligurian region of Italy and are composed of five villages: Monterosso al Mare, Vernazza, Corniglia, Manarola and Riomaggiore.

What you can expect when you visit the Cinque Terre is one of the best preserved natural and semi-natural areas of the Mediterranean. One reason for this is that historical and geomorphologic reasons have forbidden excessive housing development and the creation of major roadways. If you like wine, you will be pleased to discover the viticulture, which has contributed to create a unique landscape in which the development of the typical stone walls is so extensive as to equal that of the famous Great Wall of China which is all in all about 8.000 km long. All this, combined with the characteristics of a crystal clear sea and the architecturally interesting locations, as well as a varied and extensive network of paths, makes the Cinque Terre an increasingly sought after location among Italian and foreign tourists. This is not so much the result of a successful promotional campaign but rather the spontaneous recognition of the uniqueness of the place, of its beauty and of the enjoyment one gets from staying in or visiting it.

The five villages were built on rocks along a 12 kilometer long coastline of the Italian Riviera. Over centuries, man has carefully built terraces on the rugged, steep landscape right up to the cliffs that overlook the sea and therefore it is noted for its beauty all over the world. Part of its charm is the lack of visible “modern” development which makes it a very popular tourist destination, crowded in the peak travel period from Easter till September.

When we take the five villages together, there are about 5.000 inhabitants. Interesting is, that they have a very high life expectancy. In Riomaggiore and in Manarola for example live about 1.800 people and 220 from them are over 80 years old and in perfect form.

How can one reach the Cinque Terre and what do you need to take with you?
Paths, trains and boats connect the villages and cars cannot reach it from the outside.
A local train from La Spezia to Genoa connects the “Five Lands”. The tracks run most of the distance between Riomaggiore and Monterosso in a tunnel, but sometimes the train emerges from the tunnel along the way and there you can get quick glimpses of the Mediterranean Sea.
Another possibility reaching the beautiful villages is to take a passenger ferry. The boat enters Cinque Terre from Genoa’s Old harbour and La Spezia, Lerici or Portovenere.

The most popular way to see most sights is to use the walking trail that connects the five villages. When you decide to make a tour trough the Cinque Terre, I would recommend to put on a good pair of hiking boots because the road from Riomaggiore to Monterosso varies in its difficulty. There are paths, beginning from an easy stroll to a rough and challenging hike. The trail winds trough olive orchards and vineyards and is rough in places, but offers the best view of the bay. When I did my tour trough the Cinque Terre, I met many people who wore only Flip Flops, but they lamented because they got blisters on their feet. It can also be very dangerous if you don’t wear good shoes because parts of the paths are really narrow and the safeguarding is weak. I even heard of people who fell down the steep cliffs.

It is also necessary to take enough water to drink with you. Sometimes there are distances of a few kilometers to the next village where you can buy something to drink and the walks must not be underestimated. Normally, the tourists go there during Easter holidays or in summertime, so it is really hot there. It may also be helpful to wear sunglasses and a headgear to prevent any damages to the eyes or the skin.

And do not forget to bring some money with you because there are fees to use the more popular walking trails, although the less frequently travelled are free of charge. Of course, you can bring your own snack with you, if you want, but then you would miss some excellent traditional food that is offered in the restaurants on the way. The specialities can be enjoyed on terraces and in arbours with an impressing view over the sea to the horizon. There is such an impressing atmosphere when the sun sets and you hear local music in the background.

One of the most important objects of your equipment is a camera. I can guarantee that you would be very disappointed, if you forgot it because you can take hundreds of postcard-like pictures from the landscape, the cliffs, the villages and, of course, from the sea.

Beyond that, it would be a good idea to bring a bath suit with you, so that you can jump into the refreshing sea after your walk. All along the path between Riomaggiore and Monterosso are beautiful bays and seashores to relax.

If you consider those few points I recommended, I am sure that you will have a nice, unforgettable walk, discovering one of the world’s most beautiful places.

ADESSO: april 2007
Marco Polo: Ligurien. Italienische Riviera, Cinque Terre. 2004

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