
3 Conversations

The Orange County Supertones are a Christian ska band originating from Orange County, California.

Ska is a form of music that probably derived from reggae, but also incorporates elements of punk, rock, swing, and rap, depending on the style. It tends to be rather upbeat. The Supertones' brand of ska generally involves the rock and punk influences, with a little reggae.

They have released four CDs to date, and, generally speaking, each CD has been a little better than the previous one.

The band consists of Matt Morginsky at vocals, Daniel Spencer on trombone, Darren Mettler on trumpet, Jason Carson on drums and Tony Terusa on bass.

The Supertones are currently searching for a full-time guitarist. Previously, the position was filled by Kevin "Slim" Chen and, later, Brian Johnson.

The band is fairly young; most members are no older than 25 or so, but they have been around as a band for about 4 years.

Before that, Matt, Jason, Tony, and a guitarist were a band called Saved, which started around 1991 or so.

The Supertones have a tendency to be a little on the zany side, as evidenced in their CD "book-thingy" in their CD Loud and Clear, which makes obsure references to everything from Spinal Tap to Ferris Bueller's Day Off and includes a yearbookish photo section in the back complete with corny captions.

In short, the Supertones are a must-listen.

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