Created | Updated Aug 18, 2005
It really wonders me when scientists tell us that there is no such thing as God, or life after death,...just because they can't prove it!
Hunam beings have been existing in this planet for quiet sometime, mostly without the enjoyment of the modern fruits of science. In our routine life we sometimes face a situation that science fails to explain. Our feelings, instincts,and intutions, the meaning that we give to our environment; all such things might have little or none explanaton by the modern science.But they still play a crutial integrative role to our lives. So is it the case that science is inadequate or that we fail to notice?
The gratest thing that I like of science is that it never loses hope! And it is the first to make a suggestion, but the last to make a claim!
The thing is science has been existing as long as humans have been existing. But it hugely exploded so recently that, we humans of the recent era have totally gave up our minds for it, worshiped it as the key to the ultimate reality to such an extent that we forget all the thinking modalities that sustained us throughout our long history.
Yet science, our pride, can't just give us every thing. Like a loving father it keeps on telling us 'I am just getting it!'
But those 'tiny' wiskers we face in on the march of time trouble us alot, makes us feel nothig, that all we have been ,all we conquered, all that we percieved , is just nothing. And here we miss our main perpose in life-to live.
The mysterious human mind, to appreciate its environment, and so to keep on existing, has to assimilate all the stimuli that it recieves from its enviromnent in atleast five ways of thinkiing:
1) scientific- that is the easiest to apprehend, as it deals with material nature, easily percieved and interpreted.
2) psycological- which still is accepted to many humans as it also is a bit easier to assimilate
3) philosophical- that when it gets strong, leads to outcast
4) religious- which is just about devoting the entier mind to the one who stands above everything and who makes everything happen.
Whether aware of it or not, we all think using all the above modalities, as if we cease to use one we loose our intergrity. Each one of them are whole by themselves and independent. But for our mind they all must exist all in harmony. The most adjusted humans have all these in harmony. But the few extrimists fail to recognize the value of one, never adjust well.
So science is but one of the tools for our brain.And without the others it just can't be usefull!