
2 Conversations

Iowa is a small subsection of the land known as America. Iowa is more land than building, something uncommon in America
Those who live there have often lived there all their lives, few people actually come to Iowa. Tourists come only on bets with their friends over whether or not somthing exists between New York and California
It would be possible to build all the houses in Iowa out of the corn it produces and still have enough to feed the state for a year.
Iowa has three saving graces (or Pits of Satan's sin, depending on which side of the fence your from) Des Moines, Iowa City, and Davenport.
In these three places it is possible to get your pork tenderloin without breadcrumbs, find a truck that isn't red with a gun rack, and also enjoy a good nightlife(and daylife).
Despite any boredom I may feel living in a place like this it does have the honor of being the second most peaceful spot I have seen on Earth, the first being Tortola in the British Virgin Islands

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