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<P>The queens arms is found very close to basingstoke rail station. To find it simply come out of the station and turn left walk past the bike shop and and parcle office untill you can see a small white house this is the pub making it probabley the easiest pub to find ever<P/>
<P>The pub on the outside lookslike a normal house whith the exception of the gold writting and pub sign a nice rural look is used on th insideingeneral the pub has a pleasent lived in look which looks somewhat out of place among the towering offices around it as stated the pub is quite small being a converted house but has a nice cosy feel to it which makes it a pleasent place to rest after or before a journey<P/>
The pub it self is usaly quite pleasent whith reasonable rangeof beers and spirits whith a guest ale being available on tap if you should care to try something a bit diffrent the staff being also the owners are pleasent and quite welcoming making for a nice frendly pub the only entertainment the pub offers is a small tv usaly showing sky sports a juke box and darts board due to the size of the pub permission is required for the dart board as otherwise it could be quite dangerous ovet that they also have a notice board keeping people up to dat whith the pub football team and any local beer festivals a range of tradition pub meals is also available most of the day<P/>

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