Northern Ireland Political Glossary
Created | Updated Aug 18, 2005
This is not necessarily for the Edited Guide, though I may eventually polish it up and put it in.
From time to time on h2g2, the issue of politics in Northern Ireland crops up. Often when it does, the many terms, abbreviations and acronyms can cause some confusion to readers unfamiliar with them, so this is here for reference when this occurs.
My own political views should hopefully not even register in this - the aim is just to have a list of what the meaning of phrases is generally perceived to be - or what they can mean to different people in some cases. Slang terms are in inverted commas.
Alliance Party - One of the smaller political parties. It draws support largely from middle class and more prosperous voters. Although favouring the Union with Britain, they are considered "pro-union" rather than "Unionist", being generally more moderate than the parties using that name.
An Phoblacht/Republican News - Newspaper of the Republican Movement.
Ancient Order of Hibernians (AOH) - Catholic marching organisation. Unlike most nationalist organisations, the issue of faith is an important part of their beliefs.
Anglo-Irish Agreement - An agreement made in 1985 between the governments of the Britain and the Republic of Ireland regarding the constitutional arrangements of Northern Ireland.
Apprentice Boys (of Derry) - Protestant marching organisation, named after the apprentices who shut the city gates during the Siege of Derry in 1688.
Arms Trial - The trial of some members of the Irish government accused of supplying the IRA with arms in the late '60s/early '70s (they were acquitted).
Articles 2 and 3 - Part of the Irish Constitution from 1937 (completely revised in 1999 after the Good Friday Agreement) claiming the nation of Ireland to be the entire island.
B-Specials - A part-time police force, exclusively protestant and considered very anti-catholic. Disbanded in 1970.
'Blackmen' - Short name of the Royal Black Institution, a protestant organisation like the Orange Order.
'The Blanket' - A protest by republican prisoners who refused to wear prison uniforms, instead wrapping themselves in blankets.
Bloody Friday - 21 July 1972, when the IRA set off more than 25 bombs across Belfast, killing 11 people and injuring around 130.
Bloody Sunday - 30 January 1972, when a Civil Rights march in Derry was fired upon by the army, killing 13.
Border Poll - A referendum over whether or not the Union with Great Britain should be continued. Used when refering either to that of 8 March 1973, or a hypothetical future poll.
'Brits' - Usually used to refer to British troops, though sometimes more widely used. A nationalist/republican slang term.
Broadcasting Ban - In 1972, the Irish government banned the broadcasting of anyone believed to be a member of an illegal organisation. Also refers to a similar British ban in 1988, banning the speech of members of certain groups from being broadcast. Instead, footage was shown, and an actor's voice spoke the words. This became the butt of a lot of jokes.
Collusion - Refers to incidents in which security forces were either alleged or found to have co-operated with loyalist paramilitaries.
Combined Loyalist Military CommandAn umbrella group including most of the loyalist paramilitary groups. The name is used when the groups wish to issue joint statements.
Consent/Principle of Consent - The principle that any decision on the future of Northern Ireland should be agreed to by most of its citizens.
Constitutional nationalism - The strand of nationalism believing that Ireland should be united through peaceful, constitutional means.
Constitutional question - The issue of what way Northern Ireland should be ruled - whether united with the rest of the island, with Britain, independent or some form of devolution.
Continuity Irish Republican Army (CIRA) - A breakaway group from the IRA. They have not declared a ceasefire and are opposed to the peace process.
Crown Forces - Police or British armed forces.
The Dáil/Dáil Éireann - The Irish 'House of Commons'
Declaration of Intent [To Withdraw] - A would-be commitment from the British government to pull out of Northern Ireland.
Decommissioning - The process of paramilitary groups disposing of their weapons.
Demilitarisation - A scaling down of the military presence within N.I.
Democratic Unionist Party (DUP) - The more hardline Unionist Party in Northern Ireland, led by Ian Paisley.
Derry/Londonderry - Often called 'Londonderry' by Unionists, although not always, and Derry by nationalists.
Devolution - a mostly self-governing N.I. government, within the framework of the Union.
Diplock Court - non-jury courts, heard only by a judge. Named after Lord Diplock who proposed the system.
Direct Rule
Downing Street Declaration
Dublin Bombs