How to lose control and weight.

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This is, yet another addition to my 'how to' series. Being the first addition, edition, I do try to be most informative, and as brief as possible.

First, how to lose control:
This is a three step process,

1st step: Find someone, prefferably human, who will witness you losing control, since there is no point in losing control when you are alone. If no one witnesses you losing control, no one will belive you later when you try brag about losing control.

2nd step: Try to restrain your witness, so they won't run away.

3rd step: Raise both hands and; shake, rattle and roll. Rinse and repeat, up to 5 times.

Second, how to weight:
This is very simple here on earth. In fact you are doing it right now.
Due to the earth's gravitational pull we all weigh kilograms, (except for the US where we weigh pounds.)
So if you pay very carefull attention, you will notice that you weigh something, just by doing nothing.

Thank you for your attention,
If you have any questions on the topic or otherwise, please feel free to contact me in the usuall manner.

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