Driving Violations in Kenmore, New York, USA

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The best advice on driving in Kenmore (a village just north of Buffalo, New York) is not to do anything even remotely resembling breaking the law. All traffic violations are treated by Kenmore cops as serious crimes. This is because there is virtually no serious crime in the village and it is very small. After making their rounds (about five blocks), Kenmore cops become bored and spend their time making sure that the speedometer stays where it belongs. Some drivers have been ticketed for driving 36 miles per hour in a 35 mile per hour zone.

The police force also uses a few unmarked cars, which officers use to tailgate unsuspecting motorists in an attempt to push them over the speed limit. When this occurs, the officer will pull over the driver for speeding. They are especially attached to pulling over drivers who appear to be under 18 or 20 years of age, as they are the least likely to argue back effectively. Tourists are also frequent targets, both because they are unaware of the level of enforcement and because they don't vote for the people in charge of the police force. However, very few tourists visit Kenmore, mostly because there is nothing of interest there to see.

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