How to be unique (if you aren't)
Created | Updated Jan 28, 2002
<P align="justify">Second, stop allowing others to dictate what you should or should not believe. This makes writing a "How To" article difficult, because in effect, I am telling you to stop reading this article.</P>
<P align="justify">But, I am serious. I believe the main reason Americans suffer from depression is because they believe what they see on their television. I know this to be true because I have existed my entire life with a television, and have been diagnosed as depressed (I also live in California, but let us not go there (read into that statement any way you want)).</P>
<P align="justify">What you allow people to tell you over and over you just might believe.</P>
<P align="justify">If you are told over and over that you will enjoy live if you drink Brown-Sugar-Water™, you might start to believe it. But when you find that you do not enjoy life from this act, you wonder if there's something wrong with you.</P>
<P align="justify">If this rings in your mind, I suggest cutting the cord. Try it. You can repair it if need be. You might open a door to something.</P>