Transformers, The Movie

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Officially hailed by Barry Norman as the greatest film of all time, this animated classic had everything, stuff being blown up, car chases, robots and the essential struggle between good and evil.

The movie followed on from the series which pitted the heroic Autobots (the car ones) against the evil Decepticons (the aeroplane ones). As with every other film made the bad guys looked much cooler than the geeky heros, had better stuff and STILL managed to lose, how?

The movie also had the best soundtrack ever, with eighties heavy metal and "Wierd Al Yankovic" even put in an apperance. The cast was cool too, Lenard Nimoy was in it, Orson Welles played "Unicron" (a bit evil planet/monster thing) and even Eric Idle turned up as a good guy called "Wreck-Gar", how fantastic is that?. On his death bed Eric Idle can lay claim to being a member of Monty Python AND a transformer, how many men can say that?

The best character in the movie was "Starscream", he was the Decepticon jet with the sneering voice, who wanted to overthrow "Megatron" to become the leader of the Decepticons.

There we go, a brief synopsis of the worlds greatest ever movie, forget the Blair witch project and Terminator 2, watch Transformers instead ;)

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