The Bass Guitar

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This is one of the most frustrating musical instruments known to mankind. Unlike a normal guitar it only has four strings so when your mates decide, "Hey guys!, wouldn't it be great if we like?, started a band", you think "Okay I'll play the bass because it looks easy". The reasoning behind this is that as we have four fingers and the bass has four strings it should be a piece of cake, even Bill Wyman managed it!, so you go out and get the bass and try to play it.

The first problem that you encounter is that the strings appear to be made out of industrial cable and the frets are so far apart that they each have their own postcode. You then spend the next three days trying to tune the damn thing before getting one note out of it, remember never to look away from the instrument because as soon as your back is turned the strings will magically morph back to being completely out of tune again. Suddenly we all have a little bit more respect for Bill Wyman, not a lot, but a bit.

The only redeeming feature of having a bass guitar, or any guitar for that matter is that it looks cool and girls will fancy you even if you are hideous.

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