Thank you for BGP

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Thanks to h2g2, I was able to finish my research on the Assemblies of Yahweh (Bethel PA) at Bible Groups Pickings <applause>. I just want to thank everyone at H2G2 for this space and also, for helping me to find a respectable review site on different Christian denominations. :)

Here is what I found <drumroll>: Basically, the Assemblies of Yahweh is a unique faith. In an attempt to keep separate and holy, the Assemblies of Yahweh chose to reject Christianity and the Sacred Name Movement, and therefore stand alone. However, the faith is probably one of the most respectable faiths that believe in using the sacred names worldwide.

They are also true messianic Israelites <shhh>. is the same as

Although I found many people claiming to be Messianic Israelites on the internet, I found that these are using the term loosely. A Messianic Israelite is in fact, a member of the Assemblies of Yahweh and who adheres to the statement of doctrine. The Assemblies of Yahweh (Bethel Pa) believe in keeping the Biblical Laws and using the Sacred Names (Yahweh and Yahshua). This includes the dietary laws, the holy days, tithing etc. They also believe in the authenticity of the Bible and take it literally, therefore rejecting the idea of a molecules-to-man theory.

They are various cult claims, but they are all addressed on BGP. They were found to be false accusations. I found that the faith is a sincere and genuine unified worship of original Biblical truth as taught to the disciples and not by so called paganized Christianity. Therefore, they reject unbiblical practices: Christmas, Easter, Halloween, Trinity etc. They use the Sacred Scriptures Bethel Edition Bible which is a very accurate translation and a work of Elder Jacob O. Meyer. It restores the Sacred Names to the text and is based on the ASV of 1901 <book>. Anyway, that's all I can give you for now. Thanks for helping me H2G2, I appreciate it! @->--

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