The Einstein Factor - TV Quiz Show

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First broadcast on ABC-TV during June 2004 and recorded in Melbourne, Australia, this game show features contestants that “know everything about something and something about everything.”

The show is hosted by Peter Berner and produced by SPARKZ Pty Ltd.

The three contestants per episode put their knowledge of a particular chosen subject to the test while also battling other contestants and the Brains Trust1 on general knowledge questions.

Round 1

Each contestant, in turn, is brought out, introduced to the audience and quizzed on a particular subject that they have chosen. They have ninety seconds to answer as many questions as possible about that subject. Each question is worth 100 points and no points are taken away for incorrect answers in this round. At the end of the ninety seconds (or after fifteen questions) a bonus True/False question relating to that subject is asked.

The contestant is then given the option of answering it themselves or giving it to the Brains Trust to answer. If they choose to answer themselves and they answer correctly, they receive 100pts. If they pass it to the Brains Trust and it is answered correctly, they (the contestant) receive 200pts. No points are awarded or deducted for incorrect answers on behalf of the contestant or the Brains Trust.

Round 2

Nine topics are presented to the contestants. Each contestant takes turn to select a topic and each of them will have an opportunity to select a total of two topics in this round.
Each topic contains a multiple choice question that all contestants and the Brains Trust are to answer. The contestants have five seconds to key in the letter that corresponds to the answer they believe to be correct. The Brains Trust discuss which answer they think to be correct and why. Only after the Brains Trust have given their answer are the contestants answers revealed.

The points awarded are dependant if the Brains Trust have answered correctly. If the Brains Trust answer correctly, each contestant that answered correctly receive 50 points. The Brains Trust do not receive points for a correct answer but if they answer incorrectly, the contestants that have answered correctly will receive 100 points. No points are taken away for incorrect answers in this round.

Round 3

A series of 15 questions are asked. These will consist of 9 general knowledge questions and 2 questions on each of the contestants’ special subjects2. Any contestants or Brains Trust member can buzz in on any question that is asked. Each question is worth 100 points but no points are awarded to the Brains Trust for correct answers. 100 points will be deducted from a contestant’s score if they answer incorrectly.

In the event of a tie, the tied contestants are asked five tie-breaker questions. Only tied contestants are permitted to answer these five questions.

The Winner

After Round 3, the contestant with the most points wins and goes on to appear in the “play-offs” to battle other winning contestants. The winners of the play-offs will be up against each other in the “semi-finals.” The top three contestants will finally be pitted against each other in the “grand final” when the winner is awarded with a trophy.

Special Subjects

A number of different subjects have been featured on the Einstein Factor including:

Star Wars

Vexillology (The sudy of flags)

Football World Cups

Australian Birds


The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy Books!

1A guest panel made up of three celebrities or specialists.2Making a total of 6 special subject questions.

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