Fishkill, New York

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Fishkil is a small town in New York, just south of Pughkeepsie. Unlike popular belief, Fishkilliens so NOT slaughter fish for their own amusement. It may be done for anothers amusement, but not our own. Fishkill is Dutch for Creek of Fish. This is highly redundant when you pass the Fishkill Creek. There are many fast food restaurants, a few motels, and even a newly built Gap distribution factory.
If you're ever looking for something to do in Fishkill, we have many attractions. Fist there's the Fishkill Bowl, which is a great place to go if you like to go. However, on the other end of the spectrum, if you hate to bowl, the Fishkill Bowl would probably not be your place. There Hoyts Cinema 10 right on Route 9. The movies are $8 and the price ios going up. Not a good idea if you're low on cash.
And finally, there's the Fishkill Flea Market, which is set-up in the run-down Dutchess Mall. If you want Crap cheap, this is the place for you.
Well, that's Fishkill in a nutshell, if you can find a nutshell about 25 miles in diameter, and a few hundred feet high.

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