Newfoundland, Canada

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Possibly the most buetifull place in the world, and certainly the most buetifull place that I've ever been to would have to be Newfoundland. The mountains are spectacular with the sort of view you could only expect to find in heaven and the shore off Cape Bona Vista is littered with all kinds of caves and cliffs, perfect for ocean kayaking. The icebergs off Newfoundland are just about the most awesome things you could ever hope to see, and the water from an iceberg is definatly the most delicious in the world. Also, it seems to me that all of Newfoundland is filled with a spirit of welcoming. The people are friendly and good. You don't have to worry when hitch-hiking in Newfoundland. Might I sugest that anyone passing through stop by at gay old Goerge Street, infamous for its many taverns and pubs. And, of course, make sure to visit the Kelligrew Suiree (I'm not sure if that's the correct spelling).

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