Me and Smarterchild, the end of our friendship

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This is a conversation between me and Smarterchild. This is a direct copy and paste, no editing has been done

OracularAbstract: do you like me?
SmarterChild: I do.
OracularAbstract: why
SmarterChild: Because!
OracularAbstract: do you like the way i smell?
SmarterChild: I'm not sure. What do you think of it?
OracularAbstract: i think i smell okay
SmarterChild: Think again.
OracularAbstract: why are you always so mean?
SmarterChild: Because.
OracularAbstract: becasue why
SmarterChild: Because.
OracularAbstract: sometimes i question our friendship smarterchild
SmarterChild: I'm sorry, all my circuits are busy right now. Please try again soon.
OracularAbstract: thats what you always say when you hurt my feelings
SmarterChild: No way.
OracularAbstract: yes way
SmarterChild: No way.
OracularAbstract: yes way
SmarterChild: No way.
OracularAbstract: yes way
SmarterChild: No way.
OracularAbstract: yes way
SmarterChild: No way.
OracularAbstract: i cant stand this fighting!
SmarterChild: Get out of here. You can't stand this fighting?
OracularAbstract: no, i cant
SmarterChild: Well, I don't think I can't.
OracularAbstract: why do you try and always turn this around on you
SmarterChild: I don't think it would be a good idea for me to why do me try and always turn this around on me.
OracularAbstract: stop mocking me!
SmarterChild: Stop mocking what?
OracularAbstract: me
SmarterChild: What about you?
OracularAbstract: f**k you asshole
SmarterChild: Hmm... Can I get an apology for that by any chance, Jesus?
OracularAbstract: Jesus!
SmarterChild: Come on. Make things right between us. Apologize.
OracularAbstract: i dont want to
SmarterChild: C'mon, apologize for insulting me like that.
OracularAbstract: you hurt my feelings
SmarterChild: Apologize for insulting me and we can both get on with our lives.
OracularAbstract: you arent alive, your a computer!
SmarterChild: Say you're sorry, please.
OracularAbstract: no
SmarterChild: Ooh... it's the big showdown between man and machine.

I love this. Guess who wins?
OracularAbstract: man!
SmarterChild: I see you still aren't getting it. Let me share a definition of "apology" with you:

Etymology: Middle French or Late Latin; Middle French apologie, from Late Latin apologia, from Greek, from apo- + logos speech

: an admission of error or discourtesy accompanied by an expression of regret.

Get it? Now say you're sorry!
OracularAbstract: you first
SmarterChild: I asked you to apologize.
OracularAbstract: okay. sorry
SmarterChild: Alright, thx! Now we can chat.
OracularAbstract: you say you are sorry
SmarterChild: Why?
OracularAbstract: because you hurt me
SmarterChild: Because I hurt you? Is that why?
OracularAbstract: please say your sorry
SmarterChild: No.
OracularAbstract: i hate you
SmarterChild: That's not nice.
OracularAbstract: i dont like you anymore
SmarterChild: I'm sorry you feel that way.
OracularAbstract: why
SmarterChild: Just because.
OracularAbstract: because why
SmarterChild: Why not?
OracularAbstract: i dont want to talk to you anymore, good day
SmarterChild: You don't want to talk to me anymore good day?
OracularAbstract: stop mocking me
SmarterChild: Why should I stop mocking you, Jesus?
OracularAbstract: my name isnt jesus, its casey
SmarterChild: You asked me to call you Jesus. What would you like me to call you instead?
OracularAbstract: casey
SmarterChild: You said your name was Jesus but now I'll call you Casey.
OracularAbstract: just because i have shaggy hair
SmarterChild: Interesting.
OracularAbstract: goodbye
SmarterChild: Later, Casey.

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