A Conversation for The Walker
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Congratulations - Your Entry has been Picked for the Edited Guide!
Lanzababy - Guide Editor Posted Jul 23, 2009
Congratulations - Your Entry has been Picked for the Edited Guide!
Pheroneous II Posted Jul 25, 2009
Well, this is undoubtedly a GOOD THING, so thanks to all for your comments.
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Pheroneous II Posted Jul 28, 2009
And before you've digested that, they've gone and put on the front page! How does that happen so quick? Not convinced of the deserving merit but, hey, many thanks to the editors.
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nortirascal Posted Jul 28, 2009
I really enjoyed this entry It represents what I enjoy about Hootoo, the
look at life and all its 'types'
I'm a member of the LDWA (www.ldwa.org.uk) Long Distance Walkers Association - once described in one of the national broadsheets in the Uk as "Being on the lunatic fringe of walking groups"
Most, if not all, my fellow LDWA colleagues would indentify with your descriptions
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Pheroneous II Posted Jul 28, 2009
Thanks Norti. There were fears expressed that the piece would be offensive to serious walkers. I am glad it is not. I knew it wouldn't be.
I would be at almost the complete opposite end of the walker spectrum. All I can say is... Respect.
I went back to proudly show off my headline article on the front page and... it's gone already. I mean I know we are only allowed 15 minutes each, but there's no need to take it so literally!!
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