Belconnen Mall

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Belconnen mall is a popular shopping destination in the ACT (Australian Capital Territory), Australia.


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All parking is free of charge, and shady parks can be difficut to find, especially on Saturdays. My advice - if your car has AC take what you can find. The Grace Bros carpark usually has spaces on the top level, and if you get there at 9:00, undercover parks.
I wouldn't reccomend parking at the Coles/Woolworths carpark - it ALWAYS seems to be full.


The food court here is very versatile - sushi, Mcdonalds, Rolls choice, Ali Baba. You can get an okay lunch for A$6 (pork and noodles as well as med. coke).

If you want to avoid the lunchtime rush, try the Grace Bros Cafe. It serves delicious sandwiches as well as hot food, coffee, and soup.

If you want to get ripped off, try the Lido Cafe. I spent A$5.50 on a small plate of fries once. They make good coffee, (even if it is expensive) and cakes but steer clear of their hot food.


Belconnen caters for all. Forgive me sounding like a bad brochure but there really is something for everyone. Even if you pay through the roof. With co-ed shops like Westco, Jay Jay's, Just Jeans, Jeanswest, and Stocks the teen/young adult population is well catered for.

The majoraty of the remainder of clothing stores are womens, but there are some mens stores (think expensive suits or budget-wear) as well as a family store (Old Garage). I once bought a top there for A$7!

Supre is the teen clothing hotspot in Belconnen, where customers are bribed out of the changeromms with discount cards. The clothes are colourful, sparkly, some risque.


Although the range at Belconnen is uncompareable to Civic, it does have some great cheap shoes. K-Mart sells nice, impractical heels for around a 3rd of their price at a specialty store. I can't really summarise the *practical* shoes here because I've never bought any here.

6. MISC:

If you're after technology, there is an apple centre, telstra shop, a few mobile phone stores, and an Electronics Boutique for your software needs.

If you happen to stop by EB, be sure to say hi to Abe and Iain (pronounced Ian) for me. These two guys are sweet and over the course of the year I have come to be good aquainttences with them.
EB is usually stocked with the latest games as well as DVDS, strategy guides, and gaming mags.

There is a Freedom furniture store for all you lifestyle fans, Two comprehensive newsagencies, a Dymocks bookstore, and Coles & Woolworths supermarkets.

Monday: 9am-5:30pm
Tuesday: " "
Wednesday: " "
Thursday: " "
Friday: 9am - 9pm
Saturday: 9am - 5:30pm
Sunday: 10am - 3:30pm

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