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Ahhh--stuff! It seems man has always searched for stuff, pondered stuff, horded stuff, and squandered stuff. The history of stuff is the history of mankind, and some of the earliest cave paintings show lots and lots of stuff. The first writers and philosophers questioned the nature of stuff, and today we are constantly reminded that the surfeit of stuff we possess is certainly corrupting us. I don't feel guilty about my obsession with stuff, it seems I am in good company!

Aristophanes:The Frogs Really and truly though 'tis paltry stuff

Homer The Odyssey: Book II ...And in his shrewd mind deep stuff did invent. did invent.

Plotinus The Enneads What, then, is this Kind, this Matter, described as one stuff, continuous and without quality?
, continuous and without quality?

Shakespeare: Hamlet "And let me wring your heart; for so I shall if it be made of penetrable stuff"

Marx,Karl: (In an interview) "...and I can believe that they are not of the stuff of which conspirators are made."

Lawrence, D. H: Amores: Dissolute What matter the stuff I lick up in my living flame

Whitman, Walt: Leaves of Grass Stuff'd with the stuff that is coarse, and stuff'd with the stuff...(here is a man who loved stuff!).

I think though, that Ralph Waldo Emerson sums it up in his essay Compensation: "Everything in nature contains all the powers of Nature. Everything is made of one hidden stuff."

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