The use of computing devices in the investigation of the Human Condition.

3 Conversations

As applicable to extra-physical investigations.

When Jesus came into the coasts of Caesarea Philippi, he asked his disciples, saying, whom do men say that I the Son of man am?
Mathew Chapter 16:13.

The purport…

This study seeks to engage the reader in an argument that has long held the attention of men, and has from age to age generated answers born of spurious comprehension, else ignorant manipulation. The author hopes by using historic evidences as well as intelligent conjecture, to stimulate [the] primeval instinct held within the reader’s mind, which remains subjective to pre-historic condition. The reader, their mind thus roused, will be invited to muse over the potential for a renaissance in human understanding where esoteric concerns and technological advancement are considered. Indeed it is technological advancement that will be analogised with the Life and Death processes to progress fundamental ideas. This dissertation is written at a time abounding in scientific progress and information; it seems that monthly some new fact or statistic, world revolutionising, is released into the public domain. For example earlier this year many well-considered publications published a report citing recent academic research that held the Male and Female Chromosomes to be so completely alienated that there be almost a “galaxy of genetic differences between Men & Women” ... (Robert Lee Hotz)1. Given such scientific climate as described and being aware of the relative shortness of this particular work, 6000 words or thereabouts, this author intends to further personal ideas rather than to pursue those of others. In that light as little emphasis as possible will be placed upon the comments or interpretations of other research, except where useful comparison might be made.

Two types…

To prove that two distinct ‘types’ of Human Being reside together on planet Earth, and that of these types one was made from the other by the other (in other words original man modified himself) would require a burden of evidence that Science, as we have progressed it to date, even yet is only beginning to gather. And ancient Scriptures, particularly those of the Pentateuch, which early writings influence the Christian, Muslim and Judaic religions, support the theory that there are indeed two different Man types currently sharing this Earth; they also, as the author hopes to demonstrate - proving the case being virtually impossible – indicate that technologies similar in scope to those of the present time, existed in other era’s, and that our common pre-historic ancestors were far more scientifically advanced than current theory accepts. Other ancient scriptures such as the Upanishads and Bhagavad-Gita more than give rise to that possibility. The complexity of these scriptures, which along with similar works’ receive universal acknowledgement as being God inspired, is found to be peculiarly alike computer function; in fact to term these scriptures as computational devices - computer programs in book form - does no disservice to them. The fact that Human Beings are computers naturally organised into organic formations is not lost upon those who are involved in the genetic researches that herald the promise of increased human awareness of them selves; apparently “God” is a mean programmer, to use nerd parlance.

Product mimics Producer…

With similarly open minded comparison we can consider the process of Human regeneration at its most poignant and potent level as being very close to the computer initialisation process (in which software is installed that a machine [the hardware] may use it); we might conclude that computer functionality, at least where some of these artificial systems are concerned, reflects the reproductive process. To present an example of how the computer hardware - software dependency is found mirrored in human reproduction footnote 1, requires us to review what that process involves. It is true that a Female and a Male both contribute to the act of conception, where-in a Female, impregnated with sperm (X and Y chromosomes) by a Male receives those chromosomes into her X chromosome egg. Depending on which Chromosome received from the Male successfully fertilises her egg, the Female will either birth a XX (Female) or XY (Male) child. Computers, which rely on a sympathetic behaviour, curiously parody this process of things; where in the Female role is mimicked by [the] hardware, i.e. the computer proper, and the Male role by that software selected to be installed. The hardware, behaving in essence like the egg, possesses a BIOS system upon it, that is an enabling circuitry that permits an energetic inter-link between the hardware that it resides upon and the software it is about to facilitate into computerized being. The BIOS system is the software equivalent of the X chromosome and acts similarly to the X chromosome of the human Female, fusing with the incoming ‘masculine’ software component, which as previously stated, somehow mimics the male human factor that is carried in the Male sperm as either an X or Y chromosome; where humans are concerned, this being the key to the sexuality of the newly formed foetus, whereas for computers the style of an operating system is configured. The computer world equivalent of the Male sperm, as used by this analogy, is MSDOS (Microsoft Disk Operating System) or equivalent, though it may be noted here that the author is not intending to suggest that MSDOS software is in any way designed or able to produce either a male or a female Operating System upon the machine upon which it installs. The suggestion is merely that, as does a successful implementation of a male sperm herald conception, affording the egg upbringing potential, so also does MSDOS properly initialise the BIOS of the hardware upon which it installs, enabling system activation?

To sum…where the Female, via the egg, furnishes an enabling circuitry within a precise architectural structure, the egg, the Male, via the sperm, provides an enlivening force, which, interacting with the enabling circuitry, allows an operating system to flourish about the egg, realising a human being. Similarly computer hardware furnishes an enabling circuitry, the BIOS, within the architectural structure of the aptly named motherboard, which enlivened by the operating system (here-in MSDOS) enriches the purpose and ability of the computer machine: the newly installed software enables the computer to go live. Looking at this comparison we can see that what we might term the Feminine aspect, the human Female else the computer hardware, is essentially material in aspect. By which I mean that the corporeality of Woman, confirmed by her contribution in entirety of the physical child, is reflected in the mode of the computer hardware in so much as that system enables Software to ‘live’ outside of its bit wise formulation and embrace physicality. This view, where it concerns the feminine relationship to the material state, is supported in Scripture and lore. Notwithstanding that women are often referred to in terrestrial terms, Earth Mother, Earth Goddess, etc, there are a multitude of curious references abounding in theosophical and philosophical thought as to the relationship which women share with the Earth. For to keep within the bounds of this dissertation, I intend to broach only those that might usefully illustrate what is anyway a very difficult area of knowledge. I will at this point make one claim. That the Y chromosome is somehow responsible for providing the Soul image1, a true life condition to a human being; and that the X chromosome essentially offers up the Spirit image2, that quantum force which by matter compaction is badness or death. I must expressly and purposely state here that by using the words goodness and badness and somehow linking those two words to masculinity and femininity in corresponding order I am not attempting to imply that Masculinity is essentially good and femininity essentially bad, because what I am trying express to you is, unlike our comprehension of these terms, not rooted in physicality; rather it is what physicality is a sum total of that I attempt to describe here.

Soul and Spirit do not themselves possess sexuality. Indeed they have no existence imaginable in this system of things, which we Human Beings base our entire understanding upon. However, like all authors I must draw upon this language we have devised for-to explain the unexplainable. Herein I use words like Goodness and Badness that the diametric nature of the forces I refer to is better emphasized. These forces are Creation itself rather than products of Creation; they are not created, they are Creation.

Dual fuel…

In my own research on matters concerning Life and Death, studies that came about as a result of a direct and profound experience that happened to me, I reached and subsequently publicised several conclusions that are pertinent to the discourse here and therefore worth mentioning. Perhaps the most weighty, even controversial of these is my assertion that there are two very real and very distinct energies animating the human body as it goes about its daily business. I propose [that] we have within us what we have come to term Life and Death, and that Life and Death as in us, are actually those states changed in station; I say that organically they are become as living and dying, where living is masculine and extra-materially orientated and dying is feminine and matter borne. My assertion of such is not scientifically provable, at least not as yet, however nor is it scientifically discountable and likely never will be. Thus I feel comfortable with the belief that Life is a relative energy field, macrocosm existing, and Death is a quantum energy field, microcosm borne. Further I offer that the Life and Death of this system of things are come about by the repeated disassociations, on a universal scale of Carbon atoms or particles; and that from these disassociations nature as a conscious process somehow ensued. In the universal sense consciousness is perceptible as goodness and badness, and in the use of these words I refer to a goodness and badness which is not behavioural, nor ever existential; instead I refer to a sublime modus operandi of universal vastness, neither mechanical or logical but simply critical. Indeed so significant are they the whole universal structure is determined by their interaction: so that the fabric of everything, even the vastest void is influenced by ‘their’ disarrangement, and we can be certain that our very chromosomes, X and Y, are so influenced. In the course of time I have come to conclude that the female or X chromosome is ultimately derived of that consciousness derived from badness; the opposite being true of the Y chromosome, it being goodness extant. Here I must again emphasize that by using the terms badness or goodness, I’m not referring to a behavioural pattern reflecting of this human being (‘mucrocosmic’) system, though be not in doubt that in the great course of things the pattern does embroider a recognisable quilt that somehow warms us: even too hot at times? No I am attempting to relate you a vision of the universal duality that must be - and thankfully is omnipresent omnipotent and omnipresent, for without this duality there would be no Creation. Goodness and badness, as used here-in are constants of time and space that relate the whole of Creation to itself much as the Gravity of Earth holds together the very material substances which compose it from core to troposphere and even a ways beyond.

“The Son of Man”…

Before we can consider the existence of “the Son of Man” and “the Son of Creation” in separateness, we must first comprehend thoroughly what a Human Being actually is; what he is quite literally a conjunction of Heaven and Earth energies carbon formed. Consider that every single human being is a union of the macrocosm and the microcosm; combined together in what here-in I shall refer to as a “mucrocosm”, that body itself being composed of terrestrial and extra-terrestrial components. What are these components? In the most obvious instance they’re [the] molecules that contain atomic elements constituted from Earth bound substances (though those may be considered as having arrived here from out the cosmos). These molecules, space dust as earth, account for our physical presence; they are our skeleton, our organs, our flesh and blood and muscles. Altogether, human beings depend on 23 or so different chemical elements, excluding vitamin materials table1

Each and every creature, including human beings are at one and the same time both living and dying. The eminent Biologist Lyall Watson (1976) moot a similar observation, via the content of a best selling book, “The Romeo Error”2. Mr Watson’s book is recommended reading for those who seek a basic, albeit immensely entertaining, biological expose of the physical processes occurring as Life and Death exist side by side within the extricable intertwinement of the mucrocosm so transforming them. Watson realises, being alive is not simply one energetic process, rather it is two; and they are as different from each other as flesh is from bone. But like flesh and bone they, Life and Death brought to body, share a common existential experience, and like flesh and bone they do so as a mutually exclusive involvement. By this I mean, in human terms, one without the other is not merely inconceivable; where the naturally Created mucrocosm is concerned, it is in fact impossible. In natural terms no human being can exist without the union between the Y and The X chromosome. Yet after the union of these biological factors the natural setup requires that one of the genders, the Female, should exist without a Y chromosome; in fact the Female of the species possesses two XX chromosomes as pointed out elsewhere (the factors of these differing wildly, so that within the feminine aspect there is a great fluctuation in the potency of the chromosome) and this is purely for reproductive purposes. Yet the human being start-up process requires conjunction or union of both genders, regardless of whether the male X or Y chromosome fertilises the females X chromosome egg; however there is an exception, in theory at least, to the rule. Let us examine how that exception might come about; realising that process was once given a name “Immaculate Conception”, which somewhat romantically preserves the view of view of a romanticised process, involving, most famously, Mary the Mother of Jesus Christ (whom declared him self the Son of Man but who other men declared to be The Son of God), who became pregnant without the physical assistance of a man. Today and indeed throughout time, artificial insemination and similar so called fertility treatments are frequently resorted to. But in these processes male sperm, containing of those vital X or Y components are essential to the process. Mary, the mother of the Jesus Christ is apparently fertilised without the involvement normal or otherwise of any Human Male.

There are experimentations directed at producing Human life forms from cloning techniques developed by Scientists in several different locations3. What I would ask the reader to bear in mind is that to observe the work of [the] scientists; undertakers of experimentations, which are designed to provide a specific knowledge, an awareness strictly Creation natured, is to look upon what is properly described as unnatural rather than supernatural workers seeking to create Virgin Birth, for a reason that confounds the resources put at their alchemistic disposal.

Energetic Considerations…

Consider this… that Life is energy and Death is energy. The implication is properly made in Genesis, the first book of the Pentateuch, where in it is explained, and quite clearly really that knowledge previously existed regarding the incidence of two separate creations of Human Beings. The first Creation of a Man is quoted here as it appears in an online edition of the King James Version of the Bible4; there-in there are two accounts relating to the Creation of Men and Women, which are typically thought of as of primitive understandings. However though the accounts appear unsophisticated, there exists a strain of experience attached to both records untypical of innocent comprehension. In the first explanation of Mans arrival here on Earth, given us at verse 27 of the first chapter, it is stated...

001:027 So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; Male and Female created he them.

This first account is emphatic, “God” created man in his own image and he created the male and female of the species at the one and the same time. Here a refined view of the order of things is set down in as much as the existence of mankind is formalised; how the Earth and man and all else came to be is given powerful explanation (see also footnote2). However the second account where in several stages (as verses) separate the Creation of the woman (in a later verse given the name of Eve) is of more relevance to this report. It begins proper at verse 6 of the second chapter and continues on to verse 7…

002:006 But there went up a mist from the earth, and watered the whole face of the ground.

002:007 And the LORD God formed man of the dust of the ground, andbreathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul.

Note the expression “living soul”, which is exact and, and is intended to draw our attention to the state of the Soul, the Life force of Creation when it is introduced to the bodily state - comprehensive study of the Bible reveals the Soul to be an extra-physical condition as opposed to a physical one and the “breath of life” surely distinctly refers to Life force [as much as … “formed man of the dust of the ground” refers to Death force (the Divine touch?)]. Meaning that though particular “believers” assume that the term living soul refers to the physical body it does in reality reference a change of condition for the extra-physical state; a soul life becomes a living soul, hence a non-physical energy becomes physical.

The next point of interest for us regards the creation of Woman, as explained in this second account of Man’s Creation. You will recall that at verse 001:027 Females and Males were created more or less simultaneously and it would seem by a similar process. However when we come to read the 21st verse of the second chapter a strangely curious explanation of how Women came to be upon the Earth with Men is cited. It is here where we find the impossible exception to the rule, which intent is that Life without Death is not merely inconceivable where the naturally Created mucrocosm is concerned but is in fact impossible to [the] natural existence.

002:021 And the LORD God caused a deep sleep to fall upon Adam, and he slept: and he took one of his ribs, and closed up the flesh instead thereof;

002:022 And the rib, which the LORD God had taken from man, made he a woman, and brought her unto the man.

A careful read of these lines will quickly bring anyone knowledgeable of modern Medical practice to the conclusion that - as described - the woman was made from a rib somehow surgically removed from a man, and not through the natural reproductive process characteristic of human male with female reproduction, and being in fact completely different to that creation quoted at Chapter 1, verse 27. Not only is this account different but it is preposterously unnatural. The author of this, God inspired or otherwise, did not intend to describe a natural situation; on the contrary the unnaturalness of the creation of Eve, the name given to the rib enlivened to womanhood is celebrated in verse and in time as being what any rational reader would conclude it to be; namely an alchemic interference in the reproductive process that Creation conferred upon every single living dying thing. Here then we have our Virgin Birth, albeit laid bare for what it actually is, i.e. a cover story for an experimentation carried out in a history vague to us at this time; man questioned the divine from day one?

Is it that he not only questioned the Divine will but somehow had learnt to change it? Should Mankind look back at his pre-historic ancestors with reverence rather than cynical superiority? I believe so.

Watery Comparisons…

Later in this essay I may refer again to the Creation of Adam and Eve as given in the second Chapter of Genesis. For now it is enough to note what a possible correct interpretation of the Bible suggests, i.e. that what I write here, in relation to the energy fields that activated Adam, were (apparently) properly considered long before our time and quite possibly were at some point in prehistoric times altered. Somehow Man mutated else was purposefully mutated, and that mutation brought into being a form which was feminine in aspect, which by the yardstick of this essay means Spiritually powerful: recalling that Spirit as used here-in refers to a quantum delivered, death derived force. This is what scripture apparently confirms.

The Genesis account alludes to the argument… that two separate energies combine in the living soul process. Energy number one being a microcosmic, or quantum force, brought from out of the [dampened] dust, as “God” formed Man. It is worth noting that at least one Christian Faith begins from the second chapter onwards to refer to “God” by a familiar name, that being Jehovah, a name that is not restricted to “God”, as a quick search of a Bible Concordance, reveals. The inference in the second account is that the dampened “dust”, divinely touched, possessed a quality compatible to a union with the “breath” of “God”, which can veritably be considered as Life and Life is a macrocosmic energy, as indicated by the Genesis analogy to breath. It may also be no coincidence that within the breath there is moisture. The question is begged … ‘is it possible that the Soul, is containing of or, more likely, is contained by a dispersed water system, i.e. an atom (say) of water, loose; where loose is diametric to condensed? . We might also ask ourselves this, is Adams creation, the same process that originally was used by “God” to create Man and Woman? A question that itself raises further complications with regard to the identity and industry of “Jehovah”. For our purpose it does compute… the two physical states that are the flesh and bone share their mucrocosmic unity with two extra-physical states, one borne out of dust - quantum borne, the other born out of cosmic existence. Understood a different way we may comprehend that an energy held in matter is put in fission with an energy introduced into mucrocosmic existence from outside of this Earthly domain; this is achieved by the accent placed upon the Breath of God in the parable. Whereas “Gods” touch makes matter malleable “Gods” breath enlivens it?

It is crucially important to realise the supreme importance of water in the biological process. Water, in its varying mucus formulations, acts as both a catalyst and a necessary factor of division within the physical, extra-physical fission that occurs when the energy of Life, the Soul, activates the energy of Death, Spirit. You might recall the Biblical account at Genesis 002:006… “But there went up a mist from the earth, and watered the whole face of the ground”, which somehow emphasises this view, for it advises us that the dust used to make Adam, divinely touched, was wet at least.

As any Nuclear scientist will confirm the presence of water is essential to the nuclear process. The fission of Life and Death is a process, which has much by way of nuclear reaction about it and it is therefore unsurprising to find that watery fluids abound within the mucrocosm. These “Humours” as the ancient Greek termed them, perform much the same function as the many fluid variations found about the Earth. From assisting in the cleansing of the surface to separating incompatible strata, the comparisons abound. We may not realise it, because the scale itself defies our ability to believe it, but this Earth, in its time and in its space is as alive, may be more so than we consider ourselves to be; and this because water is present and, biologically speaking, Life enabling. Is our Soul similarly dampened?

The Unknown 25 percent…

An example … it is often mused that we are what we eat, but in actual fact this is only partially - let’s say 25% - true. There are three other 25%’s here used that deserve respectful consideration. There is the 25% of us, which our senses are responsible for developing, them being more concerned with environmental states than dietary concerns. And then there is the 25% of us which is formed by our thinking processes, ponderings, which somehow guide our personal maturity in such a way that how or what we choose to think dictates increasingly to the other two factors and therefore their overall influence. However there is yet another factor, a further 25% of us, which is least of all understood and yet of the four mentioned examples is of the greatest importance; for it is this factor that truly connects us with Heaven and Earth. Computer sciences to date only in very rudimentary ways attempt to deal with what I will term the ‘what we are not’ percent, that 25% of us which is unaccounted in the worldly wise physical body; for it is of the extra-physical self.

As previously stated scriptures, computers of a sort, attempt to fathom this most irritating extreme of the corporeal condition. Most do so as standardised guides, educating and influencing humanity to particular standards of physical being, others set out to influence us negatively toward this being, a recent notable example being Alistair Crowley who famously proclaimed… 'Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law'5. Yet other Man authored – God inspired - writings endeavour to anticipate the living dying struggle via prophetic visions of coming human history as derived exclusively from the survival of the extra-physical aspect; for example Chapter 13 of the Revelation St John [The Book of Revelations], , which essentially addresses the survival of “the Beast of the Sea” (‘Soul’?), pertinent to survival of the Earthly condition, i.e. “the Beast of the land” (‘Spirit’?). Many interested individuals slave to interpret this6 and other equally mysterious documents, most of them spectacularly unsuccessfully. So today we find the incredible processing capabilities of computers science being used to crack the hidden codes that many authorities consider such writings possess footnote3.

Notwithstanding the significant contribution computers make to what might be regarded as non orthodox or pseudo scientific studies, wherein their processing and memory capabilities permit what would otherwise be impossible feats of information manipulation, which allow ever more complex examination of fact and fiction, Charles Honorton’s7 computerised analysis of “Ganzfield” remote viewing tests being one such example, there are few areas of science, if any at all, that truly use computing devices in bona fide investigation of the extra physical condition as pertaining to human beings. This is not because of Human failing. It is simply due to an insurmountable difficulty, which in fact renders such investigations impossible. And what intricacy of nature is it, which leaves man in the dark?

Dr. Konstantin Korotkov9, a leading scientist internationally renowned for his pioneering research on the human energy field has “developed the Gas Discharge Visualization technique (GDV) to study the human energy field. This technique, based on the Kirlian effect, goes far beyond traditional Kirlian photography in many ways. The GDV system allows for direct, real-time photos and videos of the energy field of humans, other organisms, and material samples such as water and gems. Measurement of the size, brightness, fractality, and other parameters of the energy field are analyzed by software”.

Kirilian Photography8, as developed in 1939, by the Soviet scientist Semyon Kirilian demonstrated that by ‘passing a high voltage discharge between an object and an electrode, photographs were produced which revealed that an energy field surrounded the object”, which he considered to be a “physical proof of the life force or aura”.

The work of Kirillian and Korotkov, where my researches are concerned, validate that the existence of Life and Death ‘where they meet’... that is to say where they, as separate fields of energy, collide or more appropriately re-unite. In his book “In Search of the Dead”(1992: 193 )10 Jeffery Iverson notes what Quantum physicists, they who investigate the properties of the micro universe have come to understand ... “Matter is patterns of energy, electrons can behave like waves, and nuclear particles fired from a common source in two different directions, no matter how far apart, are somehow still in touch ...” and goes on to advise that “Einstein in 1935 was unhappy with the implications of ‘spooky actions at a distance’” Could it be that our Souls, universal objects are eternally linked to our Spirit, the energy previously explained as being Quantum or microcosmically derived, and that on occasion they reunite within this apparatus we term as Body. Close scrutiny of ancient scriptures, religious or mythological biased, seem to indicate that our forefathers, wherever on Earth they existed, anticipated such an idea. Indeed the gospels of Mathew, Mark, Luke, and John being concerned with the human being of Jesus Christ, provide a historical account that arguably proves the existence of an ancient alchemic knowledge, if not practical use of a technology totally concerned with living and dying as conferred by Life and Death. It is noteworthy that parable and biography are combined in a computational like script by these Gospel writers in an endeavour to relate possible what Dr Roger Penrose10 the eminent modern scientist admitted, i.e. ‘we don’t have the physics yet’; as reported by Iverson in response to the enquiry “Should we accept the ‘scientific view’ that we are machines made of flesh run by a brain which is a glorified computer?)(1992: 200)10.

Penrose precisely answers our earlier question… and what intricacy of nature is it, which leaves man in the dark? We simply do not have the science because we are limited to physical existence bounded by Light speed.

The thread…

In the February of 1995, by a rare of act of divine intervention, I was given to look upon the Life force; in fact I saw seven of what even in that unforgettable moment I knew were actual Souls. Then, and for the following years, I concluded that I’d witnessed a structure or architecture that was essentially an orb, this because it visibly appeared that way. Now these years later, with the study time has afforded me I am inclined to another view, namely that I did not witness orbs but instead looked upon the ends of threads; energy threads stretching from some heavenly location to this Earth and more importantly to some non physical and yet entirely essential part of me. Too I had for years believed that my Soul had left my body in order to witness these visiting Souls (one of which actually carried my identity). So convinced was I that I actually penned a Film script that told of a character (self) whose Soul was somehow - metaphorically speaking - doubled in condition. Lately I have come to think that in actuality what happened to me was that my Spirit had left my Body to re-call my Soul, which had moved on; in essential terms I had for a fraction of an instant died and was reborn again, and in that period I came to realise the consciousness of the universe, that which no computer, by dent of physical limitation, will ever know.

Thus I reasoned... it is the physical limitation which, bounded as it is by the speed of Light and restrained as it is by mass that gives rise to Spirit, for it is from the physical locale that Spirit is derived. Is it that everything that exists this side of the speed of Light is bound to a light condition that is for arguments purpose clockwise condensed say and that there is another universal existence (from where Souls originate) which is anti-clockwise and expansionist say and in this physical reality completely undetectable therefore? In my opinion there will never be a computer devised which might answer this question. However I do hold out that Computer processing will somehow shed light on the Spirit aspect, which prevails in this system of things and which modern technology routinely is pseudo aware of so to speak. By all means regard the observations of Quantum physicists, the imagery of X-ray techniques and the visual evidences of Kirilian and Korotkov as evidence for the existence of Extra-physical existence. We must endeavour with a hypothesis that fits what we know; if we are to integrate computer technology into such action then we must include the devices that for thousands of years have sustained our knowledge, i.e. scripts; yet too we must allow our reasoning to re investigate currently held attitudes. Modern Man must realise that the ancients, being like us, were as dogmatic in their pursuit of essential wisdom; we ought therefore to formulate our determination with similar open mind, but perhaps with more guarded method.

Bibliography: headlined their published version of an Article by Robert Lee Hotz: The Scotsman – UK. 20-3-2005: Mar 2005)

2.WATSON, Lyall (1976) The Romeo Error. Coronet Edition, with revisions. 2nd impression. London: Coronet Books, Hodder & Stoughton Limited

3. The Association of Reproductive Health Professionals. Est.1963. (accessed April 2005) This link will direct you to a well presented and informative web site the pages of which explain the processes and researches involved.

4.Talk of Talk Origins Archive (accessed March 2005)

5.Mandrake of Oxford. (as of 2005) Golden Dawn Occult Society (as of 2005): “Fact Sheet on Crowley”, (Accessed May 2005)

6.Goshen CollegeVARIOUS (AS OF 2005) Goshen College. Indiana, USA. Revelation of John: definitions, outline and interpretations: (Accessed April 2005)Continued …

7.Iona Miller and Richard Alan Miller, (2003) OAK PUBLISHING, INC. ... [email protected] ... (Accessed April 2005)

8. Konstantin G. Korotkov, Ph. D. Prof.(as of 2005) (accessed April 2005)

9. Ian Doherty, (2001 – 2005) Aura-Artz.CO.UK May 2005)

10. IVERSON Jefferey, (1992) In Search of the Dead. BCA, by arrangement with BBC books, a division of BBC Enterprises Limited.

11. HTML Editor: Robert J. Bradbury(11.11.2001) Roger Penrose. (Last updated November 11, 2001) (Accessed May 2005)


Footnote1… In the human reproductive process Females have X eggs and Males have X and Y sperm. Males fertilise an individual female egg with either an X or a Y sperm. Y sperm moves faster but dies sooner; X sperm moves slower but lasts longer. If a Y sperm fertilizes an egg, there will result a Male child. If an egg is fertilised by an X sperm a Female child will result.

Footnote2 … Some readers may comment, because of the verse quoted below, that God stated let us make man in our image, implying that more than one Creator was present at the dawn of man. The author is of the view that the translation is correct, and that the word our, as being used here, is used rather like it is in certain areas of North East England for example. Often in dialects it is possible to see expressions such as me, ours, and we used to call a first person plural possessive determiner.

001:026 And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our
likeness: and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea,
and over the fowl of the air, and over the cattle, and over
all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creepeth
upon the earth.

Footnote3 … In recent year’s massive speculation has been given over to the existence of hidden codes held within the pages of Holy Scriptures such as the Christian Bible. A whole industry has grown up around the subject, this, the result of Bible Code …“a computer program that is designed to look for key words in the Bible that are hidden in a form of code. Since it's discovery by an Israeli mathematician Dr Eliyahu Rips, a leading expert in 'Group Theory' namely the underlying branch of mathematics to 'Quantum Physics'; the Bible Code has attracted much interest. Details about the Bible Code hit the headlines when a book was first published about it in Great Britain, by Weidenfeld and Nicholson in 1997. The author of the book titled 'The Bible Code' is Michael Drosnin, a reporter who was formerly at the 'Washington Post' and the 'Wall Street Journal'. Michael Drosnin lives and works in New York City and he is also the author of the 'New York Times' bestseller 'Citizen Hughes'…” See,


96.2% of body weight comes from "organic elements" present in many different forms. DNA, RNA proteins, lipids and sugars are all composed primarily of O, C, H and N. Also, Water (H2O) and carbon dioxide(CO2)as well as other small molecules involve these elements.Oxygen (65.0%) Carbon (18.5%)Hydrogen (9.5%)Nitrogen (3.2%)Source…[accessed 9th May 2005]

3.9% of body weight comes from elements present in the form of salts. Don't be fooled by their minute quantities, they are very important for maintenance of homeostasis (meaning "well balanced organism"). Calcium is major component of bones and teeth. Iron is necessary for oxygen transport by red blood cells. Sulfurs’ present in most proteins. Potassium keeps your heart beating smoothly and regularly. Calcium (1.5%)Phosphorus (1.0%)Potassium (0.4%)Sulfur (0.3%)Sodium (0.2%Chlorine (0.2%)Magnesium (0.1%)Iodine (0.1%)Iron (0.1%) 0.5% of total body weight comes from trace Elements.

The trace elements are essential for homeostasis. Some of these elements are Co-factors of critical enzymes in the body (meaning that without them, enzyme cannot work at all and even low concentrations of them can make the enzyme work very well.)Chromium (trace)Cobalt (trace)Copper (trace)Fluorine (trace)Manganese (trace)Molybdenum (trace)Selenium (trace)Tin (trace)Vanadium (trace)Zinc (trace)

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