ranting and raving again

2 Conversations

well I say modern society what I really mean is whatever it is that the consumer businesses and corporations want to happen as it is truly money that makes the wheels of the west go trundling in ever more erratic and virulently stupid ways anyway if I am going to do this properly ill at least categorize my ranting by the by all of this is based on observation but is largely opinion or hearsay so don’t try saying that I promoted this as fact its a good old fashioned rant and I don’t care who knows it


USA is my number one source of grief for the most part I try not to immerse myself in intimate knowledge of USA’s political dealings and don’t pretend to know all or any of it but I will say that if what I have come to believe in is true then their is something very wrong with the balance of power in the world.

simply that the corporations run the USA because the politics of USA is run by and for them as for how the government of now such an influential power (but still in its infancy) could get so immersed in big business, I will claim no in-depth research but I have run up some interesting facts or at least only vaguely untrue musings

for one this isn’t even a new thing. The USA has only been under its own rule since the mid 18th centaury and only a key player in global politics since the mid-late 19th and yet in the time it took for the 20th centaury to come round the USA politics had become intertwined with that of its major corporations this was in part due to the fact that its electoral process is at best a very expensive one and so a large amount of money would have to be spent by the various candidates and as the large corporations of USA (tobacco manufactures car manufactures and nowadays food companies)money would have to be secured to gain backing for whatever seat of office you were running for beit senator to president and then you would have to keep your "investors" happy and alas most of the power in USA is now entirely owned by companies for a country built on ideals of inherent freedoms of man they haven’t gotten the grasp of the basic rights of the voter instead of having two political ideals the political race in USA is similar to choosing between corporate entities you could go to mc Donald’s or Wendy’s Kerry or bush regardless of which you choose your life wont change both of them will cost much the same and both of them
Have only their own gain in mind and as such any political diversity is hailed as communism any free thinker with a mind as appose to sponsorship
Will be ignored means that without substantial change not a lot can happen in USA
But on a lighter note USA has a larger weapons production industry
Than any other county and spends more on defense than it does on porn
And that’s about the national debt of sub Saharan Africa
Having said all that I have nothing against Americans themselves or any other peoples it just worries me that in the land of the free there is no choice another thing about amarica that scares me more than that even is the staggering amount of gun crime for every one person that dies from gun crime in England 20 people die in America each year and considering at most theier is 60 deaths in England from gun related crime thers about 1100 people that die in America not only that but there are organizations like the nra in America albeit they attempt to promote the sensible and controlled use of guns but with the ability to buy arms in every street corner to anyone with a license (and a gun license is not the most unattainable thing in America).


in England at least we see on average 4-5 ours of TV a day now in those four ish ours every 10 or 15 minuets their will be an advert break if you change the channel you’ll get maybe a minuet of uninteresting nonsense until oop some more adverts I wouldn’t mind if not for the fact that companies are now allowed to make things up or try and hide the glaringly obvious, panten pro v for instance at best that means positive vitamins right but they have the cheek to claim things such as boswolocks with new ceramide r exist never mind about existing they are allowed to claim that they are beneficial to us how can they be if their made up any censorship body that can allow that to happen should be ashamed of themselves id like to see the words being blacked out and instead the word rubbish to be emblazed across the narrators mouth followed by a disclaimer saying that the advert you are about to watch is a load of twaddle and then there are these banks which specialize in people with no equity now ecscus me if I am wrong but it is
Just ridiculous to think that you can "solve all your debt today and take a pakacge holiday to Malaga" without some serious side effects for
one loosing your house, most of these adverts are simply converting your debt into a mortgage offset over the price of your house meaning if you don’t pay your nice friendly bank will take your house in exchange for your lack of payment and who can because a large part of England’s population cant seem to grasp the idea that if you spend more than you earn you are sooner rather than later get severely shafted

the ubiquitous chav is now commonplace on every street corner and in your local alleyway available in a variety of colorful shapes and sizes from the relatively harmless yob to a hulking great rude un none of which are particularly pleasant but at least we can take solace from a
New and uplifting adage:
Q what’s one chav on the moon?
A a problem.

Q what’s two chavs on the moon?
A a slightly larger and more menacing problem

Q what’s all the chavs on the moon?
A problem solved

that aside we have got to remember that they are an increasing amount of dole dependant people in England and with an increase in our population of over 65 year olds it may well be that the benefits system might be terminally overstretched

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