
4 Conversations

Upon landing on Earth, a hitchhiker will notice several things: 1) That this is just about the worst planet to get stuck on, 2) That everyone seems to be obsessed with their digital watches, And 3) That the only beverage guaranteed to be served anywhere on the planet is tea (with the exception of alcohol, but as Earth's brewing technologys being backward as they are, it is advised that these are avoided.) Tea is made by boiling plants in hot water (yes, this does sound like cruel and unusual punishment to the plants, but they don't mind, we know, we asked them). There are many different flavors of tea, with caffeine, without cafeine, teas to soothe a scratchy throat, teas to put you to sleep, teas to help you remember things you have trouble remembering, and these teas are made with almost every plant growing on Earth. This tea is consumed in all sorts of different fashions, too. The Chinese drink it out of little cups with no handles with pretty pictures painted on them. The English drink tea at tea time with the best of ettiquette, and also with little cakes and scones. The Americans drink it iced or with any array of fruit added (such as a lemon). As far as we know, the Russians don't drink tea, but if one finds oneself in Russia, the least of your problems will be finding something to drink.
Anyway, if you find yourself on the rock called Earth, it would be adviseable to take a liking to drinking tea. It can be very soothing and you can usually get the best gossip over a cup of it.

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