
2 Conversations

Emotions, or feelings, are a driving force behind the judgment of human Beings. Emotions are a constant; every human has them regardless of social or economic class. They are totally independent from, and invulnerable to, any acts of enlightenment attempted by their hosts. Ignorant or educated, prejudice or politically correct (Assuming the human lives in a culture free of prejudices; i.e. the Land of Make-Believe) the only things that really change much are the opinions and the sides.
Many humans hold the belief that they must learn to disregard their emotions in order to become somehow morally elevated. Ironically many humans also believe that it is emotion that separates them from what they consider to be the lower forms of life on the planet earth. If the first argument is true, emotions are some sort of an inhibition or character flaw. If the second is true, the first argument is literally inhuman and unnatural. If both are true, human beings are self-loathers forever destined to repeated failed attempts at reverse anthropomorphism. Humans are funny.
Inserting an emotion is rare but extremely uncomplicated. All one has to do is find a host that is void of all emotion and allow them to feel something as simple as "happiness". After the host has been subject to the emotion it must be allowed to enjoy being made happy for a time before it is taken away from it abruptly and without explanation. Just as some religious humans believe that they where truly created when they where banished from Eden, the rest of the emotions will surface on there own as a result. The host will respond like this: " Oh, I'm happy, this is new. I like it, myself, and everything else because it is all I know. I hope that whoever made me so happy is happy as well. I am glad to be happy. Being happy makes me glad." (Happiness is then revoked and everything else evolves out of obsession.)
Sadness and self-doubt: Hey, that's not good. Nothing is good anymore, not even me. Why have I been made unhappy? What did I do to deserve this?
Anger: I don't like being unhappy! This p****s me off! First I'm happy, then I'm sad; and now I'm angry. That really p****s me off! Whoever took away my happiness p****s me off even more!
Envy: I bet that whoever took away my happiness is feeling pretty good about themselves right now. I want to feel good. I wish I felt like they do.
Self-pity: I don't disserve to be unhappy. I have the right to feel sad. I'm going through an emotional roller coaster ride and the one pleasant feeling I've had so far has been taken away.
Sadness begets depression, anger begets hate, envy begets lust, and so on. Eventually the host reaches a personal epiphany and enlightenment ensues. So it all works out as long as the subject hasn't killed themselves or died of old age before ever achieving happiness. This could be considered playing God, that's because it is.

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