Nightlife in Escazu, Costa Rica

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OK, so you're new to Costa Rica. You're probably some lame Norteamericano thinking that CR is a good place to catch some hardcore beach time and eke out your measly retirement cheque.

Congrats. You're riiiiight. You've hit the big one. OK, some of us actually have to work, Senor Retiree (you lucky dumbf***), but that doesn't mean that through the miracles of Cyberspace we are not willing to share some of our carefully garnered knowledge with your sorry white butt. If you're a typical Gringo know-nothing, you will have domiciled yourself in the delightfully expensive area of Escazu. Your mission, if you choose to accept it, is to get yourself slightly less clueless with my guide to places to get blitzed in your local area.

*** El Che - Argentinian Grill and Bar

Everyone, I mean EVERYONE with discernible hind-brain activity knows this place. Seventy metres up the hill past El Cruce in San Rafael de Escazu in the direction of Escazu Centro, and opposite Cerruti's Italian, this bar offers the best (no kidding) filet mignon in the whole Central Valley. Run by a couple of clinically psychotic Brits (Mark and Lofty), this is the epicentre of partydom in this part of town. Look out for mad deals on domestic lagers during happy hour. I have had more genuinely fun experiences in this place than it is possible to recall. Come here three times (without being a slime) and you're a regular.

*when I say no kidding, I mean it. If you like steak, try the Lomito. Bliss.

*** El Rincon del Pirata - After Hours Bar

Literally, 'The Pirate's Lair', Pirata is a wonderful place to go and get messed up. It's advertised as 'the friendliest club in town', and that's not too far off the mark. Owner David is a superb guy, and the atmosphere is wonderful (at least for an initiate). Regular customers are sure of a warm welcome and there are some insane deals on pitchers of beer (ask for a 'pichel'.) It's also where everyone goes after El Che closes, so be warned... (closed Monday)

It's just past the KFC in San Rafael, opposite the Hollywood Video store.

*** Big Dog's Sports Cafe - Bar

Definitely one for the younger crowd, Big Dog's offers a range of domestic and imported beers plus a good snack menu, so you can watch the latest US and European sports on the bar's widescreen TV's. Especially recommended are the Buffalo Wings.

Situated Bello Horizonte de Escazu, opposite Supermercado Perifericos on the the way to La Sabana Sur via Los Anonos, round the corner from the Pizza Hut.

*** Sambuca - Bar

Situated in the 'La Rambla' building, this is a primarily teen-oriented watering hole. They do Imperial Beer on draught, and the view from the balcony is nice. It's really (in my case) just somewhere to go when Pirata is closed on a Monday night.

El Cruce de Escazu

*** Cafe Urbano

If you want to hang with what passes for yuppies in Costa Rica, then this is your place. Too noisy for me, and the clientele are usually people I'd pay money to avoid. But, they do sell alcohol, and i'll swallow my objections right there.

Look out for my Escazu restaurant guide in the near future.

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