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Garbage is, quite frankly, items no longer useful to the user who decided to throw the item away. Many amazing and undeniably useful items can be found while rummaging through another man's garbage, Like an old toothbrush, or a dirty towel, for instance. That is, if that man is quite insane enough to throw out a perfectly useable toothbrush and towel.

Garbage is generally found in big barrels set out in front of houses, Which is quite odd because if left out for too long, the stench will make passerbys think that the smell is coming from you, and not the Garbage. Eventually enough big trucks will hunt down your garbage and squish it to smitherines, Even if you just wanted your garbage to rest peacefully in their specially made barrels.

Garbage can also be found in huge trash compactors, and around the floor of a particularly dirty place.

Aside from standard conceptions of Garbage, Garbage is also a band with a very beautiful redheaded female singer and 3 producers backing her.

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