Hey, Wait a Minute: Half Life

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These are just some ideas I came up with whilst playing Half Life, and had had one too-many cups of coffee.

Hey, Wait a Minute...

*When the HEV got wet, couldn't water cause the circuitry to short? You wouldn't be able to move...

*Wouldn't the weight of too many guns make Gordan fall a lot?

*Just HOW MANY Barney security guards are there?(Count them!)

*Wouldn't any SANE human being just take a hint from history, and NOT go and work at a top-secret facility that has ALIENS? I know I wouldn't...

*Reckon the G-Man's ever gotten laid?

Why is it that the aliens, with their superior weaponry, they've never heard of a NUKE... could've made their whole "destroy humanity" thing a LOT easier...

*Why does Gordan EXPLODE INTO PIECES when he falls from a great height?

*Does anyone actually USE any of the extra keys on the board?

*Can Gordan see without his glasses? He seems to be doing alright without them...

*It's the Flash! How can Gordan get into that HEV in under a second?

*Why does blood spurt out when you shoot someone wearing a HEV?

*Barney staying in one place until you find him- isn't that a sure-fire way to get yourself killed? Still, taking into account the problems the aliens have with doors...

*Speaking of aliens and doors, you see them in one room... which means the door must have opened, by the alien's own hand. They can't open the door to get out again? Whaddya call that, extraterrestrial laziness?

*Does anyone stand around to listen to the scientist, waffling on for ten minutes?

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