Snow: A Users Guide

1 Conversation

Snow itself is usually white and reasonably cold. Each individual snowflake is, allegedly, different from every other snowflake. I myself would like some conclusive proof of this.
Snow as I said is usually white and in this form it is edible or meltable into drinkable water. If, however, the snow is yellow it is not advisable to eat it or try and melt it and drink the water.
Snow tends to look quite pretty and picturesque as well as being useful for skiing on. Of course, to ski one does need skis. But, to fall, one needs no equipment whatsoever.
Snow can be dangerous not only can it be slippery but, due to it's cool temperature, can induce hypothermia. To prevent this from occurring as rapidly one can protect oneself by wrapping one's towel round one. More will be added later when I have researched the topic further.

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