The Big Bang Theory

2 Conversations

The Big Bang Theory, as theories go is the most messed up theory in the history of theories and to create a theory that is more messed up than the Big Bang theory would need a lot of theory work before embarking on thinking about a theory. The basic premise behind the Big Bang theory is that before the Universe there was absolutely nothing then suddenly out of nowhere there was an explosion and from this explosion matter was produced. This matter was so dense that it expanded at a fantastic rate and it is still expanding at that rate today.
The really big problem about the Big Bang being a viable theory is that it contradicts every other theory and rule there is in science although it is partly because of the scale of the universe. One of the most important scientific rules your science teacher will ever drum into you with a sharp stick is that matter can not be created nor destroyed but if the amount of matter in the Universe suddenly rose from 0 to 679964332345886708707442332264758687970767342336567692983439472249907
625352735275254325424524642425433 (rough estimate), then matter must have been created somewhere along the line. Another scientific rule is that an explosion can not take place if there is not a reaction and as most people know, it is very improbable that a reaction will take place without any matter being present.
The main problem I find with this theory is getting my head round the wacky idea. The scientists say that the Universe is infinite, I've got that part, but then they come along and say that the Universe is also expanding and that is when my head starts to get messed up. The trouble is the human brain is not cut out for this kind of thinking. If the Universe is infinite you could, in theory (there's that word again) travel through the Universe without ever reaching the end and unfortunately I just can't take that in. This is made more complicated because if the Universe is infinite how on Earth (or any other planet) can it be expanding. However if the Universe is not infinite then that begs the question 'what is outside the universe?' Is there another Universe perhaps, a multiverse even. Basically I can't believe that the Universe is infinite but I also can't believe that it is not infinite because what else could there be.
I think that 'Men In Black' got it right with the whole universe in a marble arrangement. I believe that the Universe is round, like the Earth and is part of a computer program or a game of marbles created in a much more believable Universe consisting of one desert island, He-Man, Splinter, the Marshmallow Man and a sheep. Whatever the true theory is my brain is very tired now so… flibble flibble flibble flibble flibble flibble flibble flibble flibble flibble flibble flibble flibble flibble flibble flibble flibble.

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