Vampire: The Masquerade
Created | Updated Oct 20, 2010
There are three major Sects, or societies, within Kindred culture:
<b>the Camarilla</b>, which urges its members to retain their humanity and obey their Kindred Elders;
<b>the Sabbat,</b> a reactionary organization which was founded to counter the Camarilla, which urges its members to reject human-like attitudes and destroy their Kindred Elders;
and <b>the Anarchs</b>, who eschew connections to either Sect and believe that they should be the masters of their own destinies.
Since V:tM is a role-playing game, it requires a referee ["Storyteller"] and several players. The characters which are under the players' control are called "Player characters" or "PCs"; all other characters, under the Storytellers' control, are "Non-Player Characters" or "NPCs."
The game itself can be played in one of two ways: "table-top," which requires pens or pencils, paper, and several 10-sided dice; or Live-Action [LARP], which requires a decent place to play and whatever costumes and props are allowed.
Role-playing games occasionally receive bad press, due to actions by mentally ill individuals who are somehow peripherally involved with gaming. It bears saying that any Storyteller running a "Vampire: The Masquerade" game would advise anybody who really thought that they were a vampire to seek professional help immediately.