Hairy geologist

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Name: Lee Craig (Means "sheltered hill or ridge seemingly. Might as well have been "Ford Prefect")

Occupation: Student (Bad description that. Stems from the word "study" which I've never done much of myself). I am
doing a BSc in Geology and Petroleum Geology at Aberdeen University. You know, rocks and oil.

Interests: Rocks, mountain bikes, mountains, snow, snowboards, walking, running, photos (of all of the preceding list, but
mainly mountains), music (soundtracks, fatboy slim, bjork, blah blah blah), alcohol, morning coffee, reading
(anything except scientific papers on carbonate shelves), chocolate, rain, wind, hail, pumice (honest), gadgets,
fun, dancing (only after at least 2 beers) and finally politics. (No, only joking nobody likes politics, except a
strange group of yogic fliers who keep driving out to my ex-girlfriend's house and suggesting that if she would
only start transcedental meditation then world peace would ensue. I don't think that can be right though
because I'm sure that it translates as "cross-teeth deep thought".Hmm.)

Born: Yes. If I landed here then the jetlag must have pushed it from my mind. No, it's quite a good one because all
your relatives remember to give you money and gifts- 7/4/74.

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