Want to hear about your Christian faith

1 Conversation

I've searched the internet for at least one respectable website that is interested in compiling a list of essays about different religious organisations but to no avail . People today want to learn, but the resources which are available to us really do seem to be inadequate .
Wikipedia is a prominent resource as to learn about different religions, but what about the insider’s views?

Why are they disregarded? Why have someone who has only learned off a second hand source have the most dominant say in what a faith is about?
For this reason I launched a spin off to religioustolerance.org, Bible Group Pickings . Both sites are quite similar. However, the previous seems to be prone to confusion and disorganisation, simply because it seems the co-ordinators have gone way off track by bribing its 'customers' for advertising space.

So that's the main reason why I am here. To find anyone who has or had a faith, and for them to write an essay on it. Your views are needed and wanted.

Come talk to me here, or email me at [email protected] for more details:


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