A Marathon Past

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Richard's 'plane

A Glimpse

Richard Creasey is familiar with marathon journeys. He has driven around the world three times. First when he was 5 and 6 year of age in the back of his father, the writer John Creasey’s, car, then when he was 18 and 19 with his brother Martin. Both of these took eighteen months.

The third, shorter but more dramatic journey, took place 30 years later.

In 1993/4, Richard conceived the successful Ford London New York Overland Challenge and led an international team of drivers as they set out from London in December 1993 to be the first to journey overland all the way to New York, via the English Channel Tunnel and the frozen wastes of Siberia.

UNESCO backed the Ford Overland Challenge under the banner: Driving towards global understanding. Ford was the major sponsor.

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