A Conversation for Love on a dyspeptic Friday

Edited Guide Writing Workshop: A49460727 - Love on a dyspeptic Friday

Post 1


Entry: Love on a dyspeptic Friday - A49460727
Author: lollyduke - U13899335

An idea for collabotative writing:

These are the last seven syllables of a real VOX POPULI haiku from the heart.
(overheard recently in a Dublin pub)

Love. Schmove
John Lennon
F**k. Shite

(apparently jilted and angry about it, the guy then slammed his glass down on the bar.)

Object then is to provide the missing proceeding syllables

Any ideas?

A49460727 - Love on a dyspeptic Friday

Post 2


Who exactly is this aimed at? smiley - erm

If you really want an audience for this piece, please submit it to the Alternative Writing Workshop (<./>Writing-ALternative</.&gtsmiley - winkeye. The forum you've submitted it to, the Edited Guide Writing Workshop, is only for entries that will be suitable for the Edited Guide (see the <./>Writing-Guidelines</.&gtsmiley - winkeye but which require the help of other Researchers to finish them.

Alex smiley - smiley

A49460727 - Love on a dyspeptic Friday

Post 3


The author seems to have smiley - elvis - back to entry with this one?

A49460727 - Love on a dyspeptic Friday

Post 4

lil ~ Auntie Giggles with added login ~ returned

Seconded smiley - ok

Back to Entry

A49460727 - Love on a dyspeptic Friday

Post 5


This researcher appears to have smiley - elvised.
I would like to third the Back to Entry proposal as this article is a work of fiction (?) and the author is no longer around. smiley - winkeye


A49460727 - Love on a dyspeptic Friday

Post 6

Magwitch - My name is Mags and I am funky.

I'll fourth it, just to keep it in the loop. smiley - ok

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