Dune House Harkonnen

1 Conversation

What a dissapointment! Is this pathetic attempt to follow the Dune series a thinly disguised to pad out an empty wallet, a final stab at the great man by an embittered son, or, and this beggers belief, did someone actually think the manuscript was any good???
Maybe I'm missing the point...this soon to be doorstop could be aimed at the 10-12 year old market.
The characters and plot are lightwieght and fluffy and the storytelling stinks...perhaps House Harkonnen should come with a complementry bottle of fabric softner to combat this, or a Zippo lighter, whichever takes your fancy.
"Vermillion Hell's" is that the best you could come up with??????? COME ON!!!!!! I'm sure the Good Duke lets rip with the odd f**k and arse, or have colourful epitets been eliminated along with computers in the tenth millenium?
And as for landing Baron VD with a baby.......oh is that the sound of a barrel being scraped I can hear????
This book is a perfect example of pathos...if it wasn't so tragic it would be rather funny.
I give it a 9.5 on the literary Cheese-o-meter, as it both sucks AND blows.
Kevin J. Anderson, please leave Dune alone go back to the Star Wars universe and destroy that for future generations if you must but for the love of God leave Dune and the memory of Frank Herbert be.

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