Vending machines

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These are common and can be found dotted around schools, sport centres, universities and such places. We know what they are, or at least we think we do. But where do they come from and why?

The design flaws are blatantly obvious to anyone who has ever used one and so I won't list them here.

Vending machines are in fact an alien device sent to various planets to assess the intelligiance of the inhabitants. Anyone who has ever thought 'Oh it swallowed my, money. Maybe if I put somemore in it'll dislodge it...' has bringing down the average for the planet.

Currently earth is ranked second from bottom. We even have the highest number of people pulling machines down ontop of themselves. All that holds us off the bottom is our impossibly high cunning at spotting when it'll give us two chocholate munchie bars instead of one.

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