Ariel's Good Books List

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I love to read. Its quite possibly one of my favorite things to do, especially when curled up on a comfy couch on a rainy day, under a warm blanket with a cup of coffee. I also love to talk about what I read. So here's a list of recent ones I've enjoyed in the last month or two. I'll keep adding to the list, and perhaps add a few comments. If anything strikes your fancy, let me know what you think.

Anything by China Mieville.

Anything by Gene Wolf.

"The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe".... that classic! I read this to my little girl for her bedtime story over the course of the last two weeks. She and I both loved it. Its amazing when the stories from our own childhood are still as wonderful as we remember them. At least now I can stop being Gandalf in the grocery store, but I'm not sure Aslan is going over any better.

"Neverwhere" by Neil Gaimon

"The Art of Happiness.. a Handbook for Living" by His Holiness the Dalai Lama and H.C. Cutler (extremely interesting personally; I just finished this yesterday)

"Buddhist Acts of Compassion" (touched me deeply)

"The Red Tent" by Anita Diamant

"The Diamond Age" by Neal Stephenson (brilliant, but that's to be expected)

"Winter's Heart" by Robert Jordan (when will it end??)

"Returning to Silence...Zen Practice in Daily Life" by Dainin Katagiri (reading this a bit at a time)

"The Hobbit" (bedtime story for the little one.. took us two weeks and was great to re-read, except now I always have to pretend to be Gandalf and its getting embarassing at the grocery store)

"The Greatest Generation" by Tom Brokaw (hmm... was ok)

"Cryptonimicron" by Neal Stephanson (also brilliant)

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