
1 Conversation

Umbrellas are an artefact of modern day man, designed and built to fend off the impact of harmful condensed water vapour dropping from the skies in the form of rain drops, or raindrops. Its not entirely true that that raindrops are harmful, in fact (without elaborating on the exact chemical compounds found in raindrops, of which I know very little) they contain little more than water. True there have been cases of various flora and fauna arriving in the guise of raindrops, where some form of vertical defence is justified, but water in itself isn't exactly going to drown you! Well, okay, you can, like all good things, get too much of something, and too much water can result in drowning, loss of dwellings, your car, your luggage, your wife, but on the whole, water is fundamental to life. Earth, fire and water (wasn't that the name of a well-Afroed seventies funk supergroup?), that's what keeps us all going at the end of the day. That, peanut butter and the love of a good woman...

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