Gaddafi offers US election advice

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By Frank Gardner in Cairo

Libya's leader Colonel Muammar Gaddafi has come up with a novel solution to the problem of the US presidential elections.

In remarks published on Monday, Colonel Gaddafi suggested the two candidates, George W Bush and Al Gore, should share the presidency to avoid what he called civil war.

The problem is with the Congress and imperialist circles. The Congress ignores the realities of the world and it may declare a war on a country without even knowing where it is located
Colonel Gaddafi

The so-called brother leader of the Libyan revolution said whoever gains the most votes should become president and the runner up should be declared vice-president.

The maverick North African ruler has also offered his views on western democracy.

In a report carried by Libyan television, he said he did not believe in elections.

Referring to the US, he asked how could 49% of the people accept someone they did not vote for to become president just because he obtained 51% of the votes.

Colonel Gaddafi's views may well carry some sympathy thousands of kilometres away on the other side of the Atlantic Ocean.

Strained relations

Libya's relations with the United States are still strained.

Last week, Washington extended a ban on US citizens visiting Libya for fear of anti-American violence.

For his part, the Libyan leader has criticised the US Congress, accusing it of global ignorance.

In the same TV interview, Colonel Gaddafi said that when America indulged in military action in Kosovo, Libya and Kuwait, he was sure that Congress did not know where those countries were.

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