Transport Styke Paralyzing the City

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Since January 2000, I cant remember how many times a transport strike happens here in Negros and not only in Negros but all over Philippines. The Public Utility Jeepneys and Buses are complaining for the continous increased of petroleum. As the petroleum increased, the fare increase as well. Fare increased so rapidly since January. It was only 2 pesos for student and 2.50 pesos for nonstudent before but now, it rised up to 3.25 pesos for students and 4 pesos for nonstudent. Before, the fare increased was only 50 cents per year and now it's uncontrollable thus, affecting everything especially the market.
Today, Nov. 29, 200 another transport strike is happening in Bacolod City-the capital of Negros Island. It started yesterday and will finish tomorrow. Classes from all universities was suspended because of course, we cannot walk to our school that is 5 kms away from our homes or boarding houses. This transport strike is really paralyzing the City. People, who dont have cars, cannot go to their offices.
Just today when I stood outside watching the supposed-to-be very busy street, I felt so relaxed 'coz I cannot always see Bacolod City as relaxing and peaceful as this. The big crowd of people-who are always panicking from day to day-was gone, the heavy traffics every peak hours was gone as well and most of all,the noises they made are vanished in the air nor you can smell the smoke and pollution this vehicles spread on the air.
Im so supposed to go home in my hometown today because we dont have class anyway but Im stuck here on this Internet cafe and hoping that someone will passed by to drived me home.My! Im in big trouble!
HELP! Anyone wants to offer me a ride home? Anyway my hometown is just 5 hrs from the City :)


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