Universal Life Church

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The Universal Life Church

The Universal Life Church is a religion based in Modesto, California, USA, stressing freedom of belief, and individuality of thought. It was founded by the Rev. Kirby J. Hensley, in the 1960's. The ULC will ordain anyone who requests it, for no fee, on their website, or by mail. While looked on by some as a waste of time, or even an abomination, the ULC takes itself very seriously, and strives to be taken seriously by others.

Belief System:

According to the church's website, at http://www.ulc.org, "We believe everyone is already a member of the church and is just not aware of it as yet. The Universal Life Church will ordain anyone that asks without question of faith, for life, without a fee. The church has two tenets: the absolute right of freedom of religion and to do that which is right. Anything else within the law is allowed. As an ordained minister of the church, you too may ordain new ministers. The Universal Life Church will not stand between you and your God and recognizes that each person must choose his own path. Each person in the ULC is free to follow any path as long as it does not infringe on the rights of others." This fairly simple belief system seems to be fairly popular, as the church has ordained over 18 million ministers. (As of May 2000)

Why do People Request Ordination?

As it is very easy to be ordained in the ULC, many of these 18 million may very well make the request on a whim. Some are college students who are just looking for a laugh. The church has gone through quite a bit of legal action in order to ensure that the American authorities consider the ULC at the same level as other denominations in the US. Last year, the church won this battle, and, as such, some people doubtless become ordained in order to obtain tax privileges. Other ULC ministers are Wiccan or pagan clergy, for whom the church is a way to obtain legal recognition of their ministry. Still more ministers are individuals who wish to be Christian ministers, but do not have the time, patience, or inclination to go through the formal training of most Christian denominations.

Products and Services

Through their monastery in Tucson, Arizona, the ULC offers a large range of materials through their website. Including ministerial vestments, books, press cards, (for the church's newsletter) certificates for religious ceremonies such as marriage, ordination, and baptism, and incense. The monetary also offers training and educational courses, as well as degrees. In addition, the church will confer nearly any additional title one cares to select. The list, as of May 2000, consisted of the following: Bishop, Monsignor, Cardinal, Lama, Right Reverend, Deacon, Guru, Arch Priest, Spiritual Counselor, Colonel, Sister, Archbishop, Field Missionary, Friar, Abbot, Reverend Mother, Arch Deacon, Brahman, Bible Historian, Rabbi, Dervish, Brother, Father, Universal Religious Philosopher, Shaman, Swami, Magus, Patriarch, Healing Minister, Pastor General, Elder, Evangelist, Metropolitan, Thanatologist, Free Thinker, Mystical Philosopher, Ascetic Gnostic, Universal Rabbi, Hadj, Flying Missionary, Abbess, Preceptor, Soul Therapist, High Priest, Scribe, Priest, Revelator, Missionary Healer, Chaplain, Reverend Father, Prophet, High Priestess, Imam, Abbe, Cure', Most Reverend, Mother Superior, Christian Apostolic Scribe, Scribe, Ananda, Lay Sister, Rector, Archcardinal, Druid, Orthodox Monk, Starets, Missionary of Music, The Very Esteemed, Parochial Educator, Monk, Religious Preacher, Baron, Apostle of Humility, Preacher, Wizard, Angel, Pastoral Counselor, Directress, Missionary Priest, Cantor, Disciple, Baroness, Vicar, Reverend, Canon, Messenger, Teller, Saintly Healer, Spiritual Warrior, Minister of Peace, Goddess, Peace Counselor, Priestess, Seer, and Universal Philosopher of Absolute Reality.

Where to go for More Information:

There are many different manifestations of the ULC, too many to be discussed here, the manifestation depending on the belief system of the given minister. However, the best place to find information about the church as a whole, and what it offers, is the monastery's website at http://www.ulc.org. There one can find recent news, online sermons by some of the current leaders of the church, the order forms for the items listed above, and the application for ordination. In addition, one can write the church directly at ULC, 601 Third St. Modesto, CA 95351. There one can request ordination, or simply information. Last, one can call the church in Modesto at (209) 527-8111, or the monastery in Tucson at (520) 721-2882 or (520) 721-2872, with questions or concerns.

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