Phoenix, Arizona, USA

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Phoenix is a small city that has grown up way too fast. People are always amazed when they come here at how large it is. When I moved here 20 years ago, as a teenager, I lived just inside the city limits. My parents still live in that home and they can drive another 10 miles before they get to the city limits now. It all seems so stupid. People move here from wetter climates and start planting the same types o plants they had 'back home', then they go broke keeping them watered. Duh! This is a desert! Cacti grow here, not grass.

Does it really get to be 115 degrees here. Yes. How do I stand it? I do the same thing (only in reverse) that people do where it gets ungodly cold. Io from the airconditioned house to the airconditioned car to the airconditioned mall, movie theater, workpllace, etc. Heat is also the reason that Arizona does not change time. We don't need sunlight any later than we have it because our days would only become longer.

The suburbs here drive me crazy! Scottsdale is the most well known one. It is one place that is extremely materialistic. if you don't have a BMW, Lexus, Jaguar, etc. people seem to stare. If you don't have diamonds dragging your hands down, the attitutde is why are you in Scottsdale.

Most of the Phoenix area is very mellow though, no need to dress to impress. Sometimes you wonder why anyone wears clothes at all. Yes, a dry heat can actually be too hot. But I'll take it compared to the Midwest anyday!

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