Soft pastels and moving memes

1 Conversation

Harboring feelings of caution when weilding a pastel is healthy. The power to conjure an image with color is almost total. The line does something catlike and Kazang! you just plugged into subfiles in the collective networks dealing with cats and trillions of adjacent offshoots. These new images are a fulcrum for moving and displacing folders all over the universe. The real mindbender is that everyone is doing this, whether your outlet is pastels, frosting cookies, or hand- clapping to puntuate a tune.

Any thought has a lifespan outside of its person, depending upon how much emotional fuel is behind it and the conditions around it when it was birthed. Adding color to this process is the ability to amplify the lifespan of said thought. The Chinese government is well aware of this sort of talent and does everything in its power to blot out even the tiniest bumper sticker that could go viral. Freedom of speech however is the only way to keep this power from destroying the land it travels upon. is a site dedicated to the preservation of a few memes which give breath through soft pastels.

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