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Tromsø is a city in Norway, it is located quite northly within the polar circle. In former days polar explorations started from here, thats why the beer of Tromsø's brewery was the first beer on the pole. By the way the brewery of Tromsø (MACKS ØLBRYGERRI AS) is the northern most brewery of this planet. Northern most is a keyword: There is the northern most planetarium and the northern most university in Tromsø as well. Apart from that on my travel I found the northern most speed trap on the road entering Tromsø. Some of the main roads (city center to airport, city center to university area) are in tunnels, a big parking ground in mid of the city is in the rock, too. From this parking ground you can enter a shopping center, you have to go up some floors (two or three) filled with shops to be at ground level again. Within this shopping center was the only place were I found a place to buy ice cream balls within the arctic circle.

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