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Ask me any question about Trillian.
Go on.
Where's she from? Arabia.
What does she where? A brown dress and a red headscarf.
What degrees does she have? Math and astrophysics.
Which actor played her in the movie? Zooey Deschanel.
Who did she dress up as in the party in the movie? Charles Darwin.
How many changes of clothes in the movie did she have? 5.
What did she mainly look like in the movie? Light blue boiler suit with heart of gold simbol on left arm, white boots, hair in ponytail with loose strands hanging out.

Ask me any question any question about arthur dent.
In the movie, what phone did he have? Nokia.
Why did he move out of London? It made him nervous and irritable.
In what industry did he work? Radio.
Which industry did most of his friends work? Advertising.
How old is he (in the first book)? 30
Where did he meet trish? A party on Earth,Uk, London, Islington, in a flat.
In Life The Universe And Everything, what did he get rejected by Trish for? Holding her hand.

Ask me any question about "Phil" (cough cough) Zaphod
Why did he get an extra arm? To improve his ski-boxing.
With what weapon did the krikkit robots shoot him with? a kill-o-zap blaster pistol.
With which pick up line did he get off with Trill with? Hey, doll, is this guy boring you? Why don't you come talk to me instead? I'm from a ..differant planet. Wanna see ma space ship?
Why did people vote him for president? Coz they thought they were voting for the worst dressed sentient being in the known galaxy.
Why didn't zaphod learn history? Because he got his history circuts programmed to give him advice on how to have sex with the girl in the cybercubicle next to him.
Which actor played Zaphod in the movie? Sam Rockwell.

Ask me anything about the paranoid android.
What happened when Marvin's brain was being used as a power source for krikkit robots? They all became depressed.
On which book did a very blurred picture of the TV series's Marvin appear on the cover? Robots, Hardback edition.
What was Marvin doing in the carpark next to Milliways? Parking cars, what else???
Who plays Marvin in the movie??? Warick Davis, movement, and Alan Rickman, voice.

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"The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy is a wholly remarkable book. It has been compiled and recompiled many times and under many different editorships. It contains contributions from countless numbers of travellers and researchers."

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