Norwegian traditions: Skaal

2 Conversations

The Skaal is a Norwegian Drinking tradition, taking place at the dinner table.

A person sitting at the table, let's say, Joe, would look into the eyes of another person at the table, Susan, and fill their glass with wine.

Joe would then say, "Skaal, Susan!" Susan would then respond, "Skaal, Joe!" And then, still looking deeply into each other's eyes, they would both drink the entire glass slowly.

That is the basic process, and every person at the table must skaal and be skaal-ed by everyone else.

Inebriation usually follows with large parties.

Although Inebriation follows, the Skaal is usually reserved to more formal occasions, with family, or perhaps business associates. Skaal is more commonly used now as Danish (although it is also widely used in Sweden and Norway) for "Cheers."

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