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Played by many with a religious-like zeal, paintball is a safer way to shoot your fellow humans. A recreational sport, paintball got it's start back in the days of old. It is a relatively painless way to take your aggressions out on your fellow man without causing many serious bodily injuries.
Although many people who have never played think paintball is a violent sport, surveys have proven that 98.1341 percent of those same people thought that the word 'badger' could be considered offensive to young children.
Paintball is divided into two types of games: Speedball and recball. Speedball is paintball in a field with bunkers, and usually appearing to be on speed. Recball is the good 'ol game played in the woods with 10 or more of your closest friends.
Overall, Paintball is just a way to see strange lands, meet interesting people, and shoot them.

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