Created | Updated Jan 28, 2002
This entry is supposed to be a short summary of some of the most common disabilties. Also I am not an expert, I just noticed that there isn't a lot of information about this topic on the guide, so be a bit lenient, if I don't go into details or don't mention everything.
This article is featuring the following disabilities:
autism, down syndrom, epilepsy, mental disability, cerebral paralysesautism
- autistic people only relate to themselves and don't
react much to their environment
- are not looking for tenderness
- have difficulties with verbal and non-verbal communication, they don't seem to understand
- they are not able to share pain
- they are afraid of changes in their environment and try to ward off any king of change
- they show a lot of compulsive behaviour
But especially with autistic children and adults you will find, that you can't reallydescribe a typical autist. Some show all of these symptoms, others only some and still others have a completely different behaviour.
- unknown; beginning with birth or in the time after
- autism is incurable, but it can be therapeutically influenced
- most autistic people can be educated
Rain man:
Propably most of you know that movie. And it is a good one but still it's Hollywood. There are basically two types of autism, "high-functioning" (also called "Asperger Syndrom") and "low-funtioning". Well, it's just a fact that most autistic people don't have such a special gift like Rain man. Of course there are some (I have met some, too) but if you want to be realistic you will find that most children and adults won't be able to count a box of tooth-picks in two seconds.
down syndrom
either ovum or semen has 24 chromosoms instead of the usual 23, this will lead to a trisomy. Most trisomies are fatal, but one form that is capable of living is trisomy 21, also known as down syndrom.
- a big furrowed tongue
- people with down syndrom tend to catch a lot of infections
- they often suffer from cardiac defects
- very dry and sensitive skin
- weak connective tissue
- small eyes and the part between nose and upper lip is quite short; the typical down syndrom-face led to the German term "Mongoloismus"
- mental handicap(more or less severe)
severe fits (grand mal) last for about 3 Minutes (or longer):
- loss of consciousness
- sudden flake out
- stiffness
- twiches and convulsion
- heavy breathing
- roling of the eyes
- saliva
- the person is absent for a short perio of time; seems to be dreaming
- incidences during pregnancy (e.g. chicken pocks...)
- incidences during birth (e.g. lack of oxygen...)
- accidents (brain damage)
- brain tumors
- sometimes no cause is ascertainable
- medication, about 60% stop having fits
People suffering from epilepsy DON'T have to be handicaped in any other way. Although due to a damage of braincells during each fits a not age-appropriate development can be noticed in some cases.
Fits can be be caused by flashlights, e.g. in discos or while taking photographs.
mental handicap
out of 1000 children 6 or 7 are mentally handicapped
- incomplete mental development
- not developed in an age-appropriate way, learning disorders
- dependant on help from others
- brain damge
- other disabilities like down syndrom...
- blood intolerabily
- infection during pregnancy or of the small child (also throug vaccinations)
- there is a tendency thatvery young or relatively old mothers have mor handicapped children
- after failed abortions
- incurable as dmaged braincells can't be replaced
-but early therapeutic support can do a lot
cerebral paralyses (spastic)
out of 1000 newborn babies 3 or 4 suffer from cerebral paralyses
- coordination of muscles is disturbed (sometimes the whole body or legs only or one half of the body)
- some people can't speak nor walk
- brain damage before, during or after birth through infections or accidents
- premature babies are at a special risk
the damaged cells cant be "repaired", but through early therapeutical exercises (therapies should already start during the first year) cells and muscles can be stimulated and relaxed
once again:
children and adults suffering from cerebral paralyses are NOT necessarily mentally handicapped!