1337 (Leet)

1 Conversation

1337 15 7h3 1@n6u@63 u53d 8y p30p13 w40 741nk 743y @r3 5up3r c00l 4@x0r5.

Leet is the language used by people who think they are super cool haxors

743 w0rd c0m35 fr0m '31173'

The word comes from 'elite'

17 15 m@d3 8y r3p1@c1n6 13773r5 w174 num83r5 @nd 0743r 5ym8015

It is made by replacing letters with numbers and other symbols

5p3111n6 3rr0r5 @r3 0f73n u53d, 5uc4 @5 'j00' 1n573@d 0f 'y0u'

Spelling errors are often used, such as 'j00' instead of 'you'

Unf0r7un@731y, u51n6 17 d035n'7 m@k3 j00 @ c001 4@ck3r, 17 m@k35 j00 @n 1d107.

Unfortunately, using it doesn't make you a cool hacker, it makes you an idiot.



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