the bear returns

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cast into a fairytale written in the soul,grey wings from a cradle stole over the whisper, over the kindest wave,feet torn eaten by vast graves by moments hung by the stranger, alone inside the rock beating within its shell,i was reborn , forced out into a forest, a forest of stinging grasping wanting ,a forest of need, lonely to wander yet never to move, to hunt but always haunted by the capture,held the sun to close to my sight and in the blaze lost, outside where science runs , i to ran but in cover,amongst those that dont or wont exist,silence claimed noise and revenge fought the heights. now one part has left, and during the stormy hour the other part joins that angry breeze, i fell into a fairytale the ones you only read about, but no page holds fast ,and again i run in cover, but this time with those that are seen.......

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